What do I have to do?
Any Pay Rates that use the outdated Tax Treatments below MUST be updated by following How do I update my Pay Rates Tax Treatment? as you will be unable to post (finalize) any pay runs until this procedure is completed.
What changes have happened?
The following Tax Treatments were previously removed from Version 19.50 as they have now been phased out and replaced (Table A: Withholding rates for ETPs)
- Employment Termination Payment, Transitional ETP (Taxed at 17%) (ETP) has been replaced with
- Employment Termination Payment, Life benefit (Taxed at 17%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Transitional ETP (Taxed at 32%) (ETP) has been replaced with
- Employment Termination Payment, Life benefit (Taxed at 32%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Transitional ETP (Taxed at 47%) (ETP) has been replaced with
- Employment Termination Payment, Life benefit (Taxed at 47%) (ETP)
- Public Holidays (Cashed Out) (Taxed at Marginal Rate) has been replaced with
- Public Holidays
How will I know if these Tax Treatments are used in my software?
The following alert will be displayed when e-PayDay® is opened and when you attempt to post the pay run,
They will also be indicated in Red in the Pay Types window,
Last modified:
Apr 30, 2019