- Details
- Last Pay Run Posting Date: Final date of the last finalized pay run
- Period Paid To Date: Date the employee is paid up until
- Pay Location/Department: The employees wages must be attributed to a certain location for record keeping.
- Centrelink CRN: Customer Reference Number for Centrelink Reporting
- Payroll Tax State
- NT
- SA
- WA
- Days Worked
- Days worked Last Pay Run: Number of the days the employee was paid for in the last pay run
- Days Worked YTD: Number of the days the employee has been paid for Year to Date
- Payment Method
- Primary: Primary Payment method of Wages
- Secondary: Secondary Payment method of Wages
- Cheque: Payment of wages by Cheque.
- Cash: Payment of wages in physical currency.
- ListPay: Payment of wages from your nominated bank account(s) electronically without the need for any special software.
- Deposit: Payment of wages processed by accessing your Online Banking and manually entering information.
- FAST-Bank™: Payment of wages processed by accessing your Online Banking and uploading an ABA (FAST-Bank™) File.
- Payment Method
- Cheque: Payment of wages by Cheque.
- Cash: Payment of wages in physical currency.
- Amount ( $ or % ): Total $ or % being paid by the 2nd Payment Method
Last modified:
Nov 26, 2019