The Update Event contains;
- Company Details are all retrieved from Retrieved from Company STP Info – Company Details
- Australian Business Number or Withholding Payer Number
- Branch Code
- Organisation Name
- Contact Name
- e-Mail Address
- Business Hours Phone Number
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- Suburb/Town
- State/Territory
- Postcode
- Country Code
- Transaction Details
- Transaction ID: Date the Update STP Submission was created.
- Interaction Record Ct: ID defined by ATO
- Message Timestamp Generation Dt: Date and time Update STP Submission was created.
- Interaction Transaction ID: ID defined by ATO
- Amendment Indicator: Denotes whether this file is replacing a previous submission (FFR).
- Declaration Signatory Identifier: Name of the person who signed the declaration.
- Signature D: Date the declaration was signed.
- Statement Accepted: Denotes that the declaration was accepted by the person who signed the declaration.
- Intermediary Details are all retrieved from Retrieved from Company STP Info – Intermediary Details
- Australian Business Number
- Registered Agent Number
- Intermediary Contact Name
- Intermediary e-Mail Address
- Intermediary Business Hours Phone Number
- Intermediary Declaration
- Intermediary Declarer Identifier: Identifier defined and used by the ABR device credential holder to identify a user. The user identifier must allow the ABR credential owner or an external auditor to uniquely identify the individual that made the declaration.
- Intermediary Declaration Date: This is the date on which the declaration is signed by the reporting entity.
- Intermediary Declaration Acceptance Indicator: Indicates that the terms stated in the Declaration Text have been accepted or declined.
- Employee Details – one per Employee employed
- TFN / ABN: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Payee ABN/TFN
- Payroll ID: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Employee Code
- Family Name / Surname: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Surname
- First Name: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Given Names
- Other Name: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Alternate Name
- Day of Birth: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Birthdate
- Month of Birth: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Birthdate
- Year of Birth: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Birthdate
- Address Line 1: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Address
- Address Line 2: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Address
- Suburb/Town: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > City/Suburb
- State/Territory: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > State
- Postcode: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Postcode
- Country Code: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Country
- e-Mail Address: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > HR
- Commencement Date: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Employment > Date Hired
- Cessation Date: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Cessation Date
- Reported Information
- Period Start Date: The date of creation of the Update Event.
- Period End Date: The date of creation of the Update Event.
- Final Event Indicator: This indicates whether the Employee has been ceased for the current reporting year.
- Employee Year to Date Balances
- Gross Payments: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Gross Income
- CDEP Payment Amount: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > CDEP
- Total PAYGW Amount: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Total Tax YTD
- Exempt Foreign Income Amount: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Exempt foreign employment income
- ETP Code: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Next to Lump Sum A
- ETP Payment Date: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Cessation Date
- Termination Payment Tax Free Component: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Tax Free Component
- Termination Payment Taxable Component: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Taxable Component
- Total ETP PAYGW Amount: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Total Tax Withheld
- Lump Sum Payment A Type: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Next to Lump Sum A
- Lump Sum Payment A: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Lump Sum A
- Lump Sum Payment B: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Lump Sum B
- Lump Sum Payment D: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Lump Sum D
- Lump Sum Payment E: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Lump Sum E
- Allowance Type: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Allow/Deds
- Other Allowance Type: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Allow/Deds
- Allowance Amount: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Allow/Deds
- Deduction Type: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Allow/Deds
- Deduction Amount: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Allow/Deds
- Super Liability Amount: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Superannuation > Superannuation Guarantee YTD
- OTE Amount: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Superannuation > OTE for SG YTD
- Reportable Employer Super Contribution: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > Reportable Superannuation Contributions
- Payee RFB (Reportable Fringe Benefits) Taxable Amount: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > FBT Info > Grossed Up Total
For every employee who exceeds the reportable fringe benefits amount threshold of $2,000 AND the employer IS NOT exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986?, all amounts are reported in this field. - Payee RFB (Reportable Fringe Benefits) Exempt Amount: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Balances > FBT Info > Grossed Up Total
For every employee who exceeds the reportable fringe benefits amount threshold of $2,000 AND the employer IS exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986?, all amounts are reported in this field. - Residency Status: A code which identifies the residency status of an individual, for tax purposes. (Resident, Non-Resident or Working Holiday Maker)
- Basis of Payment Code: The basis of payment indicates the type of arrangement between the payer and payee. (Full time, Part time, Casual, Labour hire, Pension or Annuity payees).
- Tax Free Threshold Claimed: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Tax Free Threshold
- Study and Training Loan Repayment Indicator: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Help Debt
- Student Financial Supplement Scheme Loan indicator: Obtained from Employees > Edit Employee > Taxation > Financial Supplement Debt
Last modified:
May 18, 2023