If the new business owners are not continuing with e-PayDay®
- Send an e-mail to software@e-payday.com.au to cancel your subscription. This e-mail must include your Software Client Number (SCN).
- Process the final pay run for your ABN, including any Cessation / Termination Pays as directed by the relevant parties.
- Process the End of Financial Year
If the new business owners are continuing with e-PayDay® by continuing with your subscription
- Send an e-mail to software@e-payday.com.au to notify us of this change and provide the new details for us to update our database.
- Process the final pay run for your ABN, including any Cessation / Termination Pays as directed by the relevant parties.
- Process the End of Financial Year
- Copy your Company
- Update the Company Information, including the NEW ABN
- Delete any Employees who should not be under the new ABN.
- Add the new Company (ABN) into your existing SuperChoice account
- Request a NEW Company Registration Key
- Enter the NEW Company Registration Key
If the new business owners are continuing with e-PayDay® by purchasing thier own subscription,
- Send an e-mail to software@e-payday.com.au to cancel your subscription. This e-mail must include your Software Client Number (SCN).
- Process the final pay run for your ABN, including any Cessation / Termination Pays as directed by the relevant parties.
- Process the End of Financial Year
- Copy your Company
- Update the Company Information, including the NEW ABN
- Delete any Employees who should not be under the new ABN.
- Back up the New Company and provide it to the new business owners
Last modified:
Dec 30, 2022