- AnnualLeaveWeeks (Number (Single)): Enter the number of weeks Annual Leave any Employees linked to this Award & Agreement are entitled to,
- AnnualLeaveYearly (Number (Single)): Enter the number of hours per year of Annual Leave any Employees linked to this Award & Agreement are entitled to,
- AwardDays (Number (Single)): Maximum number of days this employee will work.
- eg. 5
- AwardHours (Number (Single)): The maximum number of OTE hours that the employee is entitled to earn accruals/super.
- eg. -38.00 for Casual/Part Time or 38.00/40.00 for Salary/Full Time
- AwardRate (Number (Double)): Normal Hourly Rate (if salary, manually calculates this amount to complete).
- AwardClassDBID (Number (Integer)): Award & Agreement Classification ID. The Award Classification will need to be added prior to importing to obtain the AwardsClassDBID
- Description (Text, 75): Award & Agreement Job Role Description
- eg. Level 1, Year 2
- LeaveLoading (Yes/No): Is this employee entitled to Annual Leave Loading (17.50%) as part of their Annual Leave entitlement.
- LongServiceAfterXX (Number (Single)): Enter the number of years any Employees linked to this Award & Agreement must work/serve before they are entitled to Long Service Leave.
- LongServiceWeeks (Number (Single)): Enter the number of weeks Long Service Leave any Employees linked to this Award & Agreement are entitled to.
- LongServiceYearly (Number (Double)): Enter the number of hours per year of Long Service Leave any Employees linked to this Award & Agreement are entitled to.
- NoSuperOverMonthDollar (Number (Currency)): Enter the Monthly Employer SG Superannuation rule.
- Salary (Number (Currency)): Annual Salary (if paid hourly, manually calculate this amount to complete).
- SalSac (Yes/No): Is this employee entitled to earn Superannuation before Concessional Superannuation Contributions are deducted,
- SickLeaveFirstYearDays (Number (Single)): Enter the number of days Personal Leave any Employees linked to this Award & Agreement are entitled to during their first year of employment.
- SickLeaveFirstYear (Number (Single)): Enter the number of hours Personal Leave any Employees linked to this Award & Agreement are entitled to during their first year of employment.
- SickLeaveDays (Number (Single)): Enter the number of days Personal Leave any Employees linked to this Award & Agreement are entitled to for each year after their first year of employment.
- SickLeaveYearly (Number (Single)): Enter the number of hours Personal Leave any Employees linked to this Award & Agreement are entitled to for each year after their first year of employment.
- SuperAmount (Text, 8): Enter the Employer SG percentage.
- Type (Text, 1)
- F = Full Time
- P = Part Time
- C = Casual
- O = Commission
- S = Salary
Last modified:
Mar 03, 2020