- AccrualCommencementDate (Date): The Date Leave Accruals begun accruing for this employee.
- AddAmountToTax (Text, 10): Set percentage or dollar amount that the Employee has chosen to pay.
- AddressLine1 (Text, 38): The Employee’s Physical Address
- AddressLine2 (Text, 38): The Employee’s Physical Address
- AnnualLeaveAccrued (Number (Double)): The number of hours Annual Leave the Employee is owed.
- AustralianResident (Text, 1): Yes or No
- AwardDBID (Number (Short)): Award Database ID which is most suitable to this Employee.
- Birthdate (Date) : Employee’s Date of Birth.
- Country (Text, 20): au
- DateHired (Date): The Date the Employee / Employer relationship commenced.
- EmpClockID (Text, 8): Biometric Clock or Time Recording Device ID.
- EmpCode (Text, 20): Identifier from your previous payroll software (where required).
- FirstNames (Text, 50): The Employee’s first name.
- FlatTaxPercent (Number (Single)): If the Employee has chosen to be FLAT Tax, the set percentage to be deducted.
- GrossPayYTD (Number (Currency)): Total Gross Wages paid to this Employee.
- HECSTaxOption (Yes/No): Yes or No.
- HomePhone (Text, 12): Employee’s contact phone number
- Internet1 (Text, 76): Employee’s e-Mail Address
- JobTitle (Text, 30): Employee’s Job Title
- LabelInternet1 (Text, 1): H
- LabelPhone1 (Text, 1): H
- LeaveLoading (Yes/No): Yes or No
- Locality (Text, 27): City or Suburb
- LongServiceAccrued (Number (Double)): The number of hours Long Service Leave the Employee is owed.
- MemberFundID (Number (Integer)): Employee’s Superannuation Fund for Employee Contributions.
- MemberFundNo (Text, 20): Employee’s Superannuation Fund Client Identifier
- NetYTD (Number (Currency)): Total Net Wages paid to this Employee.
- NonReportableNonTaxAllow (Number (Currency)): Total Non-Taxable and Non-Reportable Allowances paid to this Employee.
- NonSuperSalarySacrificeYTD (Number (Currency)): Total Before Tax Non-Superannuation Deductions deducted from the Employee’s pay.
- NonTaxableAllowancesYTD (Number (Currency)) : Total Taxable Allowances paid to this Employee.
- PAYGVoluntaryFlatTax (Text, 8): PAYG Non or FLAT Non
- PayLocation (Text, 25): Pay Location or Department (eg. Office)
- PaymentMethod (Text, 9): FAST-Bank or Deposit
- PayPeriod (Text, 1): W, F or M.
- PayRateList (Text, 113): 1
- PayrollTaxState (Text, 3): QLD, NSW, TAS, VIC, NT, WA, ACT
- PostCode (Text, 4): Post Code
- PrimaryPaymentMethod (Text, 1): P
- RDOsAccured (Number (Double): The number of hours RDO Leave the Employee is owed.
- ReportableSuperYTD (Number (Currency): Total Reportable Superannuation Amounts.
- RESCPercentOrDollar (Text, 10): Reportable Employer SG set percentage or dollar.
- SalarySacrificeYTD (Number (Currency): Total Before Tax Superannuation Deductions.
- Sex (Text, 1): M or F
- SFSSTaxOption (Yes/No): Yes or No
- SGLFundID (Number (Integer)): Employee’s Superannuation Fund for Employer Contributions.
- SGLFundNo (Text, 20): Employee’s Superannuation Fund Client Identifier
- SGLPercentOrDollar (Text, 20): Typically 10.50%
- SGLStartDate (Date): The Date Super began accumulating for this employee
- SickLeaveAccured (Number (Double)): The number of hours Personal Leave the Employee is owed.
- State (Text, 3): QLD, NSW, TAS, VIC, NT, WA, ACT
- StateAwardType (Text, 3): QLD, NSW, TAS, VIC, NT, WA, ACT
- Status (Text, 1): F, P, C or S
- SurName (Text, 50): The Employee’s Surname.
- TaxableAllowancesYTD (Number (Currency): Total Taxable Allowances paid to this Employee.
- TaxAllowInGross (Number (Currency): Total Taxable Allowances included as part of the Gross Income paid to this Employee.
- TaxFileNumber (Text, 11): The Employee’s TFN
- TaxFreeThreshold (Yes/No): Yes or No.
- TILAccured (Number (Double)): The number of hours TIL Leave the Employee is owed.
- TotalDeductionsYTD (Number (Currency): Total deductions debited from the Gross Income to this Employee.
- TotalTaxYTD (Number (Currency): Total Tax deducted from the Gross Income to this Employee.
Last modified:
Jul 25, 2022