- Details
- Name of Person ceasing Employment: Person who informed the employee that their employment is to be terminated.
- Position: Position of the person ceasing the employees service.
- Reason for cessation of Employment
- Alteration of a Contract
- Bankruptcy or liquidation of the employee
- Breach of Contract
- Death of the Employee
- Dismissed
- Express terms in a Contract
- Fixed-project Contracts
- Fixed-term Contracts
- Frustration of an employee contract
- Illness or incapacity of the Employee
- Mutual consent
- Other
- Redundancy
- Resignation
- Retirement
- Transfer, merger or takeover of a Business
- Effected by
- Consent
- Notice
- Other
- Summarily
- Comments (Cessation Information): Additional comments
- Cessation Date: Final working day
- #: Warning ID
- Date: Date warning was given to the employee
- By Whom: Name of the person who issued the warning
- Details: Reason for the warning
- Witness (if applicable): Name of the person who witnessed the warning
- New: Add a new warning
- Edit: Edit an existing warning
- Delete: Delete a warning
- Save: Save changes
- Undo: Undo any unsaved changes
Last modified:
Feb 15, 2021