- chkReceipt: No.
- FundABN: ABN of the required Superannuation Fund.
- FundElectServAddress: Electronic Service Address for the (Self-Managed) Superannuation Fund.
- FundName: Name of the required Superannuation Fund.
- FundOrgName: Name of the required Superannuation Fund.
- FundPaymentFrequency
- 1 = Yearly
- 2 = 6 Monthly
- 3 = 4 Monthly
- 4 = Quarterly (3 Monthly)
- 6 = 2 Monthly
- 12 = Monthly
- 26 = Fortnightly
- 52 = Weekly
- FundPaymentMethod: DirectDebit
- FundSPIN: Unique Identifier for the Super Fund
- PeriodStartDate
- 01/07/20XX
- 01/10/20XX
- 01/01/20XX
- 01/04/20XX
Last modified:
Feb 15, 2021