1. Review your existing Super Funds in Super Manager to determine if a suitable Super Fund exists if not add the required details
  2. Click Employees > Edit Employees or
    Click Employees from the Side Bar.
  3. Select the employee to edit (click once to highlight).
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click Superannuation.
  6. Navigate to Superannuation Fund or Member Super Fund as required.
  7. Click on the drop-down arrow and select a new Super Fund.
  8. Change any other details, including the Employee Super Number, as required.
  9. Click Save.
  10. If there are any unpaid contributions, an alert will display: Superannuation details for the employee have been changed. Do you wish to update any Superannuation details for any unpaid contributions?
  11. Click Yes if you wish to transfer any unpaid super contributions to the new Superannuation Fund OR Click No to leave any unpaid super contributions within the old Superannuation Fund.
  12. Click Exit.
Revision: 7
Last modified: Jul 20, 2023