Add an Australian Resident who has provided thier TFN or selected I have made a separate application/enquiry to the ATO for a new or existing TFN
- Click Employees > New Employee Wizard or
Click Employees from the Side Bar then click New (Wand Icon). - Click Next.
- In Payee Type, select Employee.
- Enter or select the Employees
- Surname.
- Given Names.
- Alternate Name (If the employee is known as any other name)
- Address.
- Suburb/City.
- State.
- Post Code.
- Country.
- Birthdate.
- Gender (Sex).
- Click Next.
- Enter or select the Employees
- Pay Period.
- Date Hired
- Job Title.
- Award #
- Status
- Click Next.
- Enter or select the Employees
- Superannuation Fund.
- SG (% or $)
- Additional SG $ Amount if required.
- RESC Payment % or $ if required.
- SG Start Date.
- Employee Super Number.
- Click Next.
- Change / update the Employees
- Medicare Levy
- Tax Free Threshold
- HELP Debt
- Financial Supplement Debt
- Change / update the Employees
- Navigate to Payee TFN.
- Click Edit (Pencil Icon).
- Either enter the TFN provided by the Employee or enter 111-111-111 per Unique Tax File Number if I have made a separate application/enquiry to the ATO for a new or existing TFN was selected
- Click Next.
- Navigate to Pay Location/Department.
- Select the Pay Location/Department from the drop-down menu or add a new Pay Location/Department.
- Navigate to Payment Method.
- Select FAST-Bank™, ListPay, Deposit, Cheque or Cash. This setting will be identical to Banking in Company).
If Cheque or Cash are is chosen, there are no additional fields required therefore skip to Step 46.- Click Edit (Pencil Icon).
- Click New.
- Enter the
- Priority No. If the Employees Pay is only being distributed to one Bank Account, Priority No. will be 1.
- Amount ( $ or % ) being paid to this bank account. If the Employees Pay is only being distributed to one Bank Account, Amount will be 100%.
- BSB.
- Account Number.
- Reference to show on the Employees Bank Statement.
- Account Name.
- Click Save.
- Repeat the above steps to add multiple Bank Accounts, changing the Priority No. and Amount ($ or %) as necessary.
- Click Exit.
- Click Edit (Pencil Icon).
- Click Next.
- Enter the Employees
- Contact Phone Number.
- e-Mail Address for e-Mailing Pay Slips and Single Touch Payroll reporting.
- Click Save.
- If the Employees Date Hired is less than 30 days in the past, the following alert will be displayed: You have just added a new Employee. Before a pay run can be processed for this employee, their completed Tax File Number Declaration must be replicated in and sent from e-PayDay®, as required when reporting using Single Touch Payroll.
- Select Close then click Click here to continue to close the alert.
- If you wish to add another employee, select Yes then click Next to continue. Repeat the above process until each employee is added or
If you do not wish to add any other employees, select No then click Finished to Exit.
Last modified:
Aug 17, 2022