Typically this will be as the Employee and/or their Award & Agreement has been set to Salary.

  1. Verify which award the Employee is linked to, read here
  2. If required, Edit the Employee’s Award
    1. Click Awards & Agreements > Edit Awards & Agreements or
      Click Award & Agreements from the Side Bar.
    2. Select the Award or Agreement to edit (click once to highlight).
    3. Click Edit.
    4. In Type, select Full Time.
    5. Click Save then Exit.
  3. If required, edit the Employee
    1. Click Employees > Edit Employees or
      Click Employees from the Side Bar.
    2. Select the employee to edit (click once to highlight).
    3. Click Edit.
    4. Click Employment.
    5. Navigate to Status and update to Full-Time.
    6. Click Save then Exit.
Revision: 3
Last modified: Jun 01, 2020