- Company Information
- Legal Entity Name (Company Name): As displayed on the Australian Business Register (ABR).
- Full Company Name (Payer name): Unable to be edited or changed. Identical to the Legal Entity Name (Company Name)
- Address: Physical or Postal address of the organization.
- City/Suburb: Location of the organization.
- State: State of the organization.
- Postcode: Postcode of the organization.
- Country: Country of the organization.
- Phone Number: Main contact number.
- Fax Number: Facsimile number.
- e-Mail Address: Main e-Mail Address.
- ACN or ARBN: Australian Company Number or Australian Registered Body Number.
- ABN / WPN: Australian Business Number or Withholding payer number.
- Branch Number: The unique Branch Number assigned to this Company (When the registered Company has more than one office trading in different locations).
- Established / Start Up Date: When the Company was first established or first started trading.
- Installation Date: Date e-PayDay® was installed.
- Company Registration Key Each company in e-PayDay® must be registered either before any pay runs can be performed (unless using e-PayDay FREEPAY®). Awards, Pay Types, Super Funds and Employees can still be added without a Company Registration Key.
- Company Logo The maximum size for the Company Logo is 290px x 110px.
- Company System Information
- This Company’s Data Folder is: Location of data stored for the currently open Company.
- Go To Folder: Opens the location of data stored for the currently open Company.
- This Company’s Position is: The Company number (1, 2, 3 etc.) will be automatically allocated by e-PayDay®.
Last modified:
Jun 17, 2020