1. Click Super Manager > Pay Super.
  2. Select one Super Fund (click once to highlight), Multiple Funds (Hold SHIFT or CTRL and select) or click Select All.
  3. Select EITHER Create File or Create SuperStream and ABA Payment File (FAST-Bank™).
  4. Click Next to preview a list of the Superannuation Funds, Period Start and End Dates, SG (Employer) and Non-SG (Employee Contributions) payable for the selected period.
  5. Click Next. to preview the Superannuation Funds, Payment Method, Reference Number, BPAY Biller Code, and Transaction Date.
  6. Click Next then Continue to create the SuperStream File.
  7. Choose the location that you wish to save the SuperStream file to (eg. Desktop) then click Save.
  8. Click Next then Go To Folder if you need to open the location you saved the SuperStream file to.
  9. Click Finished to close the FAST-Super® wizard.
  10. Log onto your superannuation Fund or Clearing house to upload your SuperStream File.
Revision: 6
Last modified: Jun 24, 2020