- Export Format: Available Accounting Export Formats
- AM-Win
- Biscount
- BizMaster
- Clear Enterprise
- Costar
- Farm Plan
- FinancePlus
- Hotstart Software
- Kitten Software Auto WorkShop
- Kitten Software ServiceMaster
- Pastel
- Pastel
- Peachtree
- Phoenix
- ProfitPak
- QuickBooks
- QuickBooks
- QuickBooks
- Sage Line 50
- Sage Pastel Evolution
- Sage Pastel Partner/Xpress 2005
- Text: One delimited string plus one value per line
- Text: One undelimited string per line
- Text: Tab delimited line per Payslip
- Preview: View an example of the Export Format you have chosen.
- Settings: Available for selected Accounting Exports. Ability to enter an Account Code for the Selected Export field.
- Resync: Recreate an Accounting Export for a number of pay runs.
- Save: Save the new Accounting Export or to save changes to an existing Accounting Export.
- Available Exports: Depending on the Accounting Export Format chosen, the available exports will display.
- Add: Add the selected Available Export to Selected Exports
- Remove: Remove the selected export from Selected Exports.
- Add All: Add All Available Exports to Selected Exports.
- Remove All: Remove All Available Exports from Selected Exports.
- Browse: Browse to the required data save path for the Accounting Export.
- Reset: Reset the data save path for the Accounting Export.
Last modified:
Feb 15, 2021