Pay Day is where you process your pays, print pay run reports, print/e-mail pay slips and create your FAST-Bank™ File for submission.
Access to Pay Day is available through the Pay Day Menu or through the Sidebar.
The Pay Run List includes the following options;
- Individual: Process a Pay Run for an Individual Employee
- All/Selected: Process a Pay Run for ALL or only Selected Employees
- Cessation Pay: Process a Cessation (Termination) Pay Run the selected Employee
- FAST-Pay™: Process a Pay Run by importing a FAST-Pay™ File
- e-Time™: Manually entering Times, Importing Times and manually assigning Pay Types or Importing Times and interpret using e-Award™
- Search: Search and Replace information
- Pay Slips: Print, Export or e-Mail
- Reports: Print or Export Pay Run Reports
- FAST-Bank™: Create FAST-Bank™ File
- Finalise: Complete the Pay Run
- Undo: Undo any unfinalised Pays
- Navigator: Open the Pay Day Navigator
- Exit: Close the Pay Day Window
- Pay Run Information and Sort Criteria
- View the current or next Pay Run Payment Date and change if required
- View the current or next Pay Run Period Ending Date and change if required
- View past pay run information.
- Change the Pay Period (Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly)
- Process a Pay Run based on the Employees Pay Status.
- Display Active, Inactive and/or Terminated Employees.
- Sort by Employee Code or Surname.
- Only Display Employees who have not been marked as Paid (a pay has not been composed)
- Process a Pay Run based on the Employees Pay Location/Department
- Quickly and easily view the
- Employee Code
- P (Pay Period)
- Paid Status (Yes/No)
- Time Card Status (Yes/No)
- Employees Surname
- Employees Given Names
- Employees Alternative Name
- Employees Job Title
- Employees Pay Location/Department
- Last Pay Run Posting Date
- Employment Status
- Termination Date
- Pay Run Information and Sort Criteria
Pay Envelope
The Pay Envelope includes the following options;
- Awards: Access Awards & Agreements
- Pay Types: Access Pay Types
- Cost Centres: Access Cost Centres
- Show Cost Centres: Displays the Cost Centres assigned to the selected Employee for hours assignment
- Pending: The Pay Envelope will be set to Pending for review prior to finalisation of the pay run
- Cancel: Close the Pay Envelope without saving
- Ok: Save the Pay Envelope
- Quickly and easily view the
- Pay Run Payment Date
- Pay Run Period Ending Date
- Pay Rates Total QTY
- Employees Employee Code and Employees Name
- Edit certain information in the Employment File
- Award $/Hr or Special Award $/Hr or Advanced Pay Run $/Hr (depending on the option set), Hours as defined in the Award or Agreement, Award and Agreement Name and Award # (ID).
- Edit certain information in the Award and Agreement
- Date Hired
- Employed for XXX.XX Years
- Birthday Date
- Age
- Accrual Balances
- Selected Pay Rate/s, Date Entry (if set), QTY, Rate, Pay Type Paid by setting, Non-Taxable Amount, Taxable amount and Total
- Selected Allowances, Date Entry (if set), QTY, Rate, Pay Type Paid by setting, Non-Taxable Amount, Taxable amount and Total
- Selected Deductions, Date Entry (if set), QTY, Rate and Total
- Gross for Super and Super This Pay
- Gross Income (A), Deductions (B), PAYG Non-Tax ©, Additional Tax (D), Total Tax (E = C+D) and Net Pay (A – B – D)
- Pay Slip Message
Last modified:
Mar 25, 2022