- Click Tax > STP > Update Allowance and Deduction YTD Balances.
- Select ALL Employees or select Selected and hold down ctrl while selecting the employees you require.
- Click Ok
- An Alert will display: By completing this procedure, e-PayDay® will check the Allowances and Deductions that have been used during a pay run and update the Allowance and Deduction Single Touch Payroll YTD Balances based on the current Allowance/Deduction set up. Click Continue to update your Employees Allowance and Deduction Single Touch Payroll YTD Balances. Otherwise, click Exit. If Exit is selected, your Employees Allowance and Deduction Single Touch Payroll YTD Balances will not be updated and may provide incorrect information to the ATO.
- Click Continue.
- If the Allowance and Deduction YTD STP Balances were updated successfully, the following alert will display: Allowance and Deduction Single Touch Payroll YTD Balances have been updated successfully.
- Click Click Here to Continue.
- If the Allowance and Deduction YTD STP Balances were not updated successfully, the following alert will display: There was a problem updating the Allowances and Deductions Single Touch Payroll YTD Balances. Please contact e-PayDay Support.
- If the Allowance and Deduction YTD STP Balances were updated successfully, the following alert will display: Allowance and Deduction Single Touch Payroll YTD Balances have been updated successfully.
- Review the Employees Allowance and Deduction YTD STP Balances to ensure they are correctly reported, read here.
Last modified:
Mar 02, 2021