Import Data (e-Port™) allows you to import data from an external source.
- Import Type
- Text (*.txt, *.pm, *.asc, *.csv or *.tab)
- e-PayDay Text (*.epd)
- Browse: Select the location of the file which requires importing.
- Preview: Preview the previously selected import file.
- Settings: Set the Import File Settings
- Fields
- Field Name Header
- Delimit Strings
- Delimit All Fields
- No Delimiter
- Fields Delimited by
- Quotes
- Custom
- Field Separator
- Comma
- Return
- Semicolon
- Space
- Tab
- Custom
- Date Order
- Import
- Save: Save the Import File Settings.
- Clear: Clear the Import File Settings.
- Exit: Close e-Port™ – Importing
- Fields
- Select Database Table
- Employee Banking Table: Employee Bank Account Details.
- Employee Contacts Table: Next of Kin and Emergency Contacts for the Employee
- Employee EmpLeave Table: Leave records for the Employee
- Employee Employees Table: Employee Information.
- Employee FBT Table: Employee Reportable Fringe Benefits.
- Employee FBT Types Table: Fringe Benefit Payment Types.
- Employee Termination Warnings Table: Warnings and Termination Information for the Employee.
- Employee UserDefinedLabelsTable: User Defined Labels in e-Personnel.
- Payroll Allowance Reports Report To Table: Where the Allowance reports to (eg. Meal, Travel).
- Payroll Awards Table: Award and Agreement Information.
- Payroll Cost Centres Table: Cost Centres (e-Cost™)
- Payroll Deduction Reports Report To Table: Where the Deduction reports to (Superannuation, Union).
- Payroll Employee Cost Centre Table: Cost Centres (e-Cost™)
- Payroll Job Titles Table: Job Titles (eg. Manager, Picker/Packer, Clerk).
- Payroll Locations Table: Pay Locations (eg. Office, Market, Brisbane – Sales).
- Payroll Messages Table: Pay Slip Messages.
- Payroll Pay Types Paid By Table: Payment Methods for Pay Types (eg. Per Hour, Per Unit).
- Payroll Pay Types Table: Pay Rates, Allowances and Deductions.
- Payroll Reminder Table: Reminders and Alerts.
- Payroll Super Funds Table: Superannuation Funds.
- Saved Imports: Previously saved Imports.
- Add: Add the selected Available Database Field to Import Field Order.
- Remove: Remove the selected Available Database Field from Import Field Order.
- Add All: Add All Available Database Fields to Import Field Order.
- Remove All: Remove All Available Database Fields from Import Field Order.
- Import File: Displays the Import File Location and settings.
- Import into Databases
- Append to Table: Add to the end of the existing database table.
- Clear Table then Add: Clears the existing database table before importing the new records.
Last modified:
Feb 15, 2021