If your Company is not already open, Open your Company
Once your Company is open;
- Select Utilities > Restore Data from Accountant.
- An alert will display: The Restore process will overwrite the current company data. Do you wish to continue?
- Select Yes.
- Choose the location of the backup you wish to restore (e.g. USB STICK or EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE).
- Select Open.
- Select the Backup you wish to restore (eg. 2020-01-28 10-43 PRACTICE COMPANY.zip)
- Select Open.
- If the Open Company does not match the Company details you are restoring, An alert will display: The selected Restore file does not match the currently open company. Please select an option.
- Select Create New Company.
- Click Click Here to Continue.
- If the Open Company does not match the Company details you are restoring, An alert will display: The selected Restore file does not match the currently open company. Please select an option.
- The restoration procedure will be automatically processed and once complete, Open your Company.
Last modified:
Mar 24, 2023