1. Click Super Manager > Edit Fund or
    Click Super Manager from the Side Bar.
  2. Navigate to Status and ensure BOTH Active and Inactive are selected.
  3. Select Search.
  4. In Search In, select ABN or Fund Name and Plan Name
  5. In Search By select Containing
  6. In Search For enter the value you wish to locate (eg. SunSuper) and press Enter
    1. If the Fund exists, it will be displayed in Your Requested Search Results – Take note of the Fund #.
  7. Select Exit
    1. If the Fund did not exist, add it by selecting New.
    2. If the Fund did exist, scroll through the Fund List until you locate the correct Fund #
      1. Select the Super Fund to edit (click once to highlight).
      2. Select Edit
      3. Select Active if the option is deselected
      4. Select Payment
      5. Select Edit
      6. Change Fund Paid.if required.
      7. Change Period Start Date if required – this should be set to the 1st of the month for the required period.
        1. eg. Superannuation Payments processed Quarterly: Period Start Date should be set to 1 July, 1 October, 1 January or 1 April, depending on the reporting period you require.
      8. Selected SuperStream.
      9. Ensure all details are up-to-date and correct.
  8. Click Save then Exit.
Revision: 2
Last modified: Oct 18, 2021