- Report Name: e-Cost™ Cost Centre Monthly Summary.
- Example: Preview an example of the e-Cost™ Cost Centre Monthly Summary Report here.
- Use: The e-Cost™ Cost Centre Monthly Summary Report is designed to display Gross, Tax, Net and Super accumulated during the Report Period per Cost Centre.
- Details:
- Cost Centre Abbreviation.
- Cost Centre Description.
- Gross Income earnt by Employees paid under the Cost Centre.
- Tax accumulated by Employees paid under the Cost Centre.
- Net Pay earnt by Employees paid under the Cost Centre.
- Super earnt by Employees paid under the Cost Centre.
- Gross, Tax, Net and Super Sub Totals for each Cost Centre.
- Gross, Tax, Net and Super Grand Total of all Cost Centres.
- Report Selection Criteria: The following Report Selection Criteria is available for the e-Cost™ Cost Centre Monthly Summary Report.
- Pay Period
- All
- Fortnightly
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Pay Location/Dept
- All Pay Locations
- Pay Location Not Available
- Specific Location/s
- Any Pay Locations/Departments you have added will be listed
- Report by
- Locked and Unavailable for selection
- Report Period
- June (Last Financial Year)
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- Year to Date
- Sort Criteria
- Locked and Unavailable for selection
- Pay Period
Last modified:
Apr 18, 2019