Unused Annual Leave (bef 18/8/93)
Unused Annual Leave (bef 18/8/93) is used as part of a Cessation (Termination) Pay Run, where an employee is being ‘paid out’ the remaining Annual Leave hours that they accumulated since their date hired (before August 1993) which will be taxed as a Lump Sum A payment (Unused Annual and Long Service Leave).
All payments made using this type will be calculated using the base rate, from the following sections, in the following priority;
- The Employees Advanced Pay Set Up unless Calculate Base Rate on Advanced Pay Settings is selected,
- The Employees Special Award Rate,
- The Employees Hours paid at $ in their Award & Agreement.
- Alternatively, the Pay Type can be edited to set the rate or simply changed by entering the rate during a Pay Run.
Last modified:
Dec 23, 2020