Reason 1 – SBR2 Client V3.0.0.5 is not installed

  1. Ensure you have installed ALL Windows Updates and if required, download and install the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 here
  2. Download the latest e-PayDay® Upgrade and Install as Administrator
  3. Once you have installed Version 24.00, read here to manually send your Single Touch Payroll Submission

Reason 2 – SBR2 Client V3.0.0.5 is installed in mudpie locations.

The SBR2 Client V3.0.0.5 Client should only exist in one location. Therefore, it needs to be removed/uninstalled from any other locations on the PC.

For a Stand Alone installation, the SBR Client resides within C:\e-PayDay BE unless a different location was chosen for your installation (e.g. D;\)
For a Client/Server Installation, the SBR Client resides within the Data Path (server location).

Reason 3 – Security / Permissions.

Please contact your IT professional to ensure you have full administrator access to the entire e-PayDay BE Folder.


Please contact your IT professional to ensure the following two ciphers have been added

    • Both of the above were added by Microsoft in 2014 but had serious issues so it was left disabled. Microsoft has since patched this through Automatic Updates.

Reason 5You’ve exceeded the number of Waiting Transactions allowed

The maximum number of un responded submissions is 50; therefore, please request a Support call here as we will need to access your PC using Remote Desktop to resolve.

Revision: 28
Last modified: May 10, 2024