There is a problem loading the transaction data, accessing the data folder or there is nothing to process. Please contact e-PayDay Support.
Reason 1 – SBR2 Client V3.0.0.5 is not installed
- Ensure you have installed ALL Windows Updates and if required, download and install the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 here
- Download the latest e-PayDay® Upgrade and Install as Administrator
- Once you have installed Version 24.00, read here to manually send your Single Touch Payroll Submission
Reason 2 – SBR2 Client V3.0.0.5 is installed in mudpie locations.
The SBR2 Client V3.0.0.5 Client should only exist in one location. Therefore, it needs to be removed/uninstalled from any other locations on the PC.
For a Stand Alone installation, the SBR Client resides within C:\e-PayDay BE unless a different location was chosen for your installation (e.g. D;\)
For a Client/Server Installation, the SBR Client resides within the Data Path (server location).
Reason 3 – Security / Permissions.
Please contact your IT professional to ensure you have full administrator access to the entire e-PayDay BE Folder.
Reason 4 – WINDOWS SERVER 2012
Please contact your IT professional to ensure the following two ciphers have been added
- Both of the above were added by Microsoft in 2014 but had serious issues so it was left disabled. Microsoft has since patched this through Automatic Updates.
Reason 5 – You’ve exceeded the number of Waiting Transactions allowed
The maximum number of un responded submissions is 50; therefore, please request a Support call here as we will need to access your PC using Remote Desktop to resolve.