1. Click Employees > New Employee or
    Click Employees from the Side Bar then click New (Plus Icon)
  2. Enter or select the Employees
    1. Payee Type as Working Holiday Maker
    2. Employee Code and EmpClockID (if already allocated from your previous system) or simply skip to allow e-PayDay to assign a new ID to this Employee.
    3. Surname.
    4. Given Names.
    5. Alternate Name (If the employee is known as any other name)
    6. Address.
    7. Suburb/City.
    8. State.
    9. Post Code.
    10. Country.
    11. Birthdate.
    12. Gender (Sex).
    13. No. of Dependent Children
    14. Spouse
  3. Click Employment. and enter or select the Employees
    1. Pay Period.
    2. Date Hired
    3. Job Title.
    4. Award #
    5. Award State
    6. Status
    7. Special Award Rate
    8. Custom Employee Alert
  4. Click Accruals.
    1. Enter the opening accrual balance for Annual Leave in Balance
    2. Enter the opening accrual balance for Personal Leave in Balance
    3. Enter the opening accrual balance for Banked Hours / RDO’s in Balance
    4. Enter the opening accrual balance for TIL in Balance
    5. As the Balance for Long Service Leave is a calculated field,
      1. Enter the TOTAL Accrued Long Service Leave in Accrued
      2. Enter the TOTAL Taken Long Service Leave from PRIOR Financial years in Taken.
      3. Enter the TOTAL Taken Long Service Leave for the CURRENT Financial year in Taken YTD.
  5. Click Superannuation and enter or select the Employees
    1. Superannuation Fund.
    2. SG (% or $)
    3. Additional SG $ Amount if required.
    4. RESC Payment % or $ if required.
    5. SG Start Date.
    6. Employee Super Number.
    7. Member Superannuation Fund for any Concessional and Non-Concessional Super Contributions,
    8. Member Super Number
    9. Update the following fields will the relevant Year to Date Balances.
      1. Superannuation Guarantee Paid: Total Employer SG that has been recorded in as paid in the current Financial Year (1/07/XX – 30/06/XX).
      2. Superannuation Guarantee YTD: Total Employer SG that has accumulated in the current Financial Year (1/07/XX – 30/06/XX).
      3. OTE for SG YTD: Total Wages / Salary paid in the current Financial Year (1/07/XX – 30/06/XX) that is considered to be Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) and is used as part of your mandatory Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting.
      4. Total Employee Contribution: Total Non-Concessional (After Tax) Superannuation Contribution Deductions Superannuation Contribution Deductions for this Financial Year.
      5. Superannuation Salary Sacrifice: Total Concessional (Before Tax) Superannuation Contribution Deductions for this Financial Year.
      6. Total RESC Contribution: Total Reportable Employer Superannuation Contribution (RESC) – specifically contributions (over 10.50%) as part of an employee’s individual salary package for this Financial Year.
      7. Total RESC Contribution: Total Reportable Employer Superannuation Contribution (RESC) – specifically contributions (over 10.50%) as part of an employee’s individual salary package for this Financial Year.
  6. Click Taxation.
    1. If the employee also wishes to pay a certain dollar amount in addition to the tax deducted, enter the dollar value in Add Amount to TAX
    2. Click Edit (Pencil Icon) next to Payee TFN.
      1. Enter the Employees TFN – If the Employee has not provided you with a TFN, please use a Temporary TFN
  7. Click Balances and enter the opening taxation balance into the appropriate fields.
    1. Employee Year-To-Date Balances.
      1. Gross Income: Enter the total gross (every amount that has been paid to an employee) for the current financial year, EXCLUDING Lump sum payments (A, B, ETP, D, E), salary sacrifice/s and Allowances reported separately in the Allowance Box.
      2. Leave Loading YTD: If available from your previous payroll, enter the total of the 17.50% Loading when taking Annual Leave
      3. Total Tax YTD: Enter the Total Tax Year to Date Total Tax YTD amount does not include ETP Tax when it is reported on the payment summary.
      4. Lump Sum A: Enter the total PAID Unused holiday pay and unused long service leave.
      5. CDEP (Community Development Employment Project): Enter the Gross salary or wages paid from a CDEP wages grant.
      6. Total Deductions: Enter the total of ALL BEFORE and AFTER Tax Deductions (excluding Union amounts).
      7. Lump Sum B: Enter the total PAID Unused long service leave that accrued before 16 August 1978.
      8. Total GST: Enter the total PAID Good and Services Tax
      9. Total Net Pay: Enter the Total Net Pay received
      10. Termination C: Enter the total ETP value
      11. No ABN Gross IncomeIf employee’s tax type is PAYG Voluntary Agreement yet no ABN has been supplied, enter the total No ABN Gross Income.
      12. Taxable Allowances: Enter the Total Taxable Allowances paid to date.This amount is included in the Gross income shown in the Employee’s balances but is reported separately as an Allowance on the Payment Summary.
      13. Lump Sum D: Enter the total Redundancy Payments
      14. No ABN Total Tax: If employee’s tax type is PAYG Voluntary Agreement yet no ABN has been supplied, enter the total No ABN Total Tax:
      15. Non-Tax Allowances: Enter the total Non-Taxable Allowances paid to date.
      16. Lump Sum E: Enter the total ETP value
      17. Other Income: Enter the total of all income considered to be from a Foreign Source, Scholarship, Bursaries, Grants, or Awards income. These payments are generally tax-exempt and are reported on the Payment Summary in the Other Income field.
      18. HELP / SFSS Tax: Enter the total of all Higher Education Contribution Scheme Tax or Financial Supplement Tax which has been deducted as part of the Tax installment during each pay run. This amount is also included in the value in the Total Tax field.
      19. Non-Super Salary Sacrifice: Enter the total Salary sacrifice not attributable to a super fund.
      20. Allowance in Gross box: Enter the total of ALL Allowances included in the Gross income. This amount will not be reported separately as an Allowance, in MyGov.
      21. Additional Tax: Enter the total additional Tax amount for the employee.
      22. Super Salary Sacrifice: Enter the total Concessional (Before Tax) Superannuation Contribution Deductions for this Financial Year.
      23. * Non-Reportable Allowance*: Enter the total taxable and non-tax allowances which are not reported to the ATO. This amount is not included in Gross income shown in the Employee’s balances and is also not reported anywhere in MyGov.
      24. Exempt foreign employment income: Enter the total Foreign employment income that is exempt from Australian Tax. This amount is included in the Total Tax field but is subtracted before the total tax amount is reported on the payment summary.
      25. Workplace Giving: Enter the total Pre-Tax donations
      26. Reportable Superannuation Contributions: Enter the total Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC) for this Financial Year.
      27. Union/Professional association: Enter the total Union fees deducted from the employee’s pay
      28. Union/Professional association name: Enter the name of the Union
      29. Additional payments applied over the whole financial year: Enter the total of all Payments using Schedule 5 – Method B(ii)
      30. Tax Paid: Enter the total tax withheld when using Schedule 5 – Method B(ii)
      31. Deductible amount of the undeducted purchase price of the annuity: Enter the total foreign pension or annuity
      32. Foreign Tax Paid: Enter the total tax paid for Foreign Income
    2. ETP Values
      1. Payment Date: If required, enter the date the ETP was paid
      2. Payment Tax Code:  If required, enter the applicable ETP Tax Code
      3. * Pre-July 1983 Segment*: If required, enter the Pre-July 1983 Segment of the Employment Termination Payment.
      4. Taxable Component: If required, enter the total Taxable Component of the employees’ Employment Termination Payment.
      5. Invalidity Segment: If required, enter the total Invalidity Segment of the Employment Termination Payment.
      6. Total Tax Withheld: If required, enter the total Tax Withheld from the Employment Termination Payment.
      7. ETP Rollover Segment: If required, enter the ETP Rollover Segment of the Employment Termination Payment.
  8. Click Pay Run
  9. Navigate to Pay Location/Department.
  10. Select the Pay Location/Department from the drop-down menu or add a new Pay Location/Department.
  11. Enter or select the Centrelink CRN and Payroll Tax State as required.
  12. Navigate to Payment Method.
  13. Select FAST-Bank™, ListPay, Deposit, Cheque or Cash. This setting will be identical to Banking in Company).
    1. If FAST-Bank™, ListPay or Deposit are chosen, please ensure you follow all below steps as the Employees bank details will be required at a later stage.
  14. Click HR and enter the Employees
    1. Contact Phone Number.
    2. e-Mail Address for e-Mailing Pay Slips and Single Touch Payroll reporting.
  15. Click Save
    1. If the Employees Date Hired is less than 30 days in the past, the following alert will be displayed: You have just added a new Employee. Before a pay run can be processed for this employee, their completed Tax File Number Declaration must be replicated in and sent from e-PayDay®, as required when reporting using Single Touch Payrol.
    2. Select Close then click Click here to continue to close the alert as completing the Tax File Declartion will be part of the below steps.
  16. If FAST-Bank™, ListPay or Deposit were chosen,
    1. Click Pay Run
    2. Click Edit (Pencil Icon) next to your selected Payment Method.
      1. Click New. and enter the
        1. Priority No. If the Employees Pay is only being distributed to one Bank Account, Priority No. will be 1.
        2. Amount ( $ or % ) being paid to this bank account. If the Employees Pay is only being distributed to one Bank Account, Amount will be 100%.
        3. BSB.
        4. Account Number.
        5. Reference to show on the Employees Bank Statement.
        6. Account Name.
        7. Click Save.
      2. Repeat the above steps to add multiple Bank Accounts, changing the Priority No. and Amount ($ or %) as necessary.
      3. Click Exit.
  17. Click Taxation.
    1. Click TFN Declaration.
      1. An alert will display: There are no existing TFN Declarations for this employee. Do you want to load existing Employee data ?.
      2. Click Yes.
      3. Complete the electronic TFN Declaration identically to the physical form they filled in.
      4. Click Save then Exit.
  18. Click Exit again to close the Employee Window.
Revision: 22
Last modified: Jul 25, 2022