If your Employee’s Superannuation Guarantee not accruing,
- Verify which award the Employee is linked to by following How do I locate the Award & Agreement (ID) the Employee is linked to?
- Ensure the Award they are linked to has been updated with the correct rules in
- Superannuation
- SG (% or $) should be completed.
- Starts After X.X Weeks should be 0.0
- Default is Calculated on Applicable Payrate.
- Preset Contribution Limits and Maximum Super Contribution Base.should be 0.00
- SG on Salary Sacrifice? and SG on Annual Leave Loading should be set as required.
- Super Rules
- This window is set as required
- Superannuation
- Check the SG setting in each of the Pay Rates and/or Allowances you use for this Employee
- Print a Pay Rates Report, by Selected or ALL Employees.
- Print a Allowances Report by Selected or ALL Employees
- Access each Pay Rate and/or Allowance listed on this report to check the Superannuation setting.
- Ensure the relevant Superannuation Start Date and Percentage are recorded in the Employee.
- SG (% or $) should be completed.
- SG Start Date is not set in the future.
Once the correct rules have been set up as required, please contact your accountant for assistance with calculating the amount outstanding to record in the next pay run, read here.
Last modified:
Mar 28, 2023