Ensure Crystal Reports is installed

  1. Navigate to C:\e-PayDay BE Please note that although by default the e-PayDay Client (application) files are installed to C:\e-PayDay BE, this path MAY be different if you have elected to install the Client (application) files to a different location.
  2. Double click Crystal Reports XI Runtimes.exe
    1. If Crystal reports is not installed, the program will begin installing immediately
    2. If Crystal Reports has already been installed, you will be presented with 3 options: Repair, Modify and Remove.
      1. If you are presented with these options, close Crystal Reports XI Runtimes.

Ensure your Default printer is assigned

  1. Access your Start Menu in Windows (bottom right-hand corner)
  2. Select Control Panel
  3. Select Devices (and Printers)
  4. Ensure you have a default printer set. Your default printer will be indicated by a green tick displayed next to the device.
    1. If you do not have a green tick next to any printer available on your pc, right-click on the device you would like and select Set as Default Printer.
    2. If the default Printer is set, the resolution to this issue is to ensure that in e-PayDay®, click Preview then click Print from within the Preview screen.
Revision: 10
Last modified: Mar 03, 2023