- Click File > New.
- In File Name, enter the Legal Entity Name (Company Name).
- Click Save.
- The Company Information Window will display.
- Enter the Legal Entity Name (Company Name).
- Enter the Physical or Postal Address of the organization.
- Enter the City/Suburb.
- Select the State.
- Enter the Postcode.
- Select the Country.
- Enter the main Phone Number.
- Enter the Company e-Mail Address.
- Enter the ABN or WPN. WPN (Withholding payer number), enter begin with 00 (eg. 00-123-456-789).
- Enter the Branch Number if you process payroll for multiple GST branches under the ONE (1) ABN.
- Click Banking.
- Select the appropriate Payment Method for wages/salaries and complete all displayed fields.
- Cheque and Cash: If chosen, there are no additional fields to complete. Skip to Step 7.
- ListPay: Payment of wages from your nominated bank account(s) electronically without the need for any special software.
- Bank Title: Select the Bank that account is with.
- BSB: Enter the BSB (Bank, State, Branch) for the Bank Account.
- Account Number: Enter the Bank Account Number.
- Account Name: Enter the name on the Bank Account.
- Contact Name: Enter the name of the Company Contact Person if there are issues with the ListPay File.
- Phone Number: Enter the Phone Number if there are issues with the ListPay File.
- Deposit: Payment of wages processed by accessing your Online Banking and manually entering information.
- Bank Title: Select the Bank that account is with.
- BSB: Enter the BSB (Bank, State, Branch) for the Bank Account.
- Account Number: Enter the Bank Account Number.
- Account Name: Enter the name on the Bank Account.
- FAST-Bank™: Payment of wages processed by accessing your Online Banking and uploading an .ABA (FAST-Bank™) File.
- Bank Title: Select the Bank that account is with.
- BSB: Enter the BSB (Bank, State, Branch) for the Bank Account.
- Account Number: Enter the Bank Account Number.
- Account Name: Enter the Account Name.
- Name of Remitter: Enter the name of the Person or Company creating the FAST-Bank™ file.
- APCA ID Number: Enter the APCA (Australian Payments Clearing Association) ID as provided by your Bank.
- Lodgement Reference Number: Enter the Lodgement Reference Number as provided by your Bank.
- Balancing File: Select if a Self-balancing transaction batch is required within the FAST-Bank™ file (as advised by your Bank).
- Select where you want your FAST-Bank™ file sent to by clicking the ‘Browse…’ button
- You also have the ability to add Holding Accounts for Gross PAYG and SG if FAST-Bank™ is chosen as your Primary Payment Method. HOWEVER, skip this step until the Company is added.
- Select the appropriate Payment Method for wages/salaries and complete all displayed fields.
- Click Government.
- Tick Registered as an Employer of WHM’s if you are an Employer of Working Holiday Makers.
- Tick Is this employer exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986? if you are exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986.
- Enter the name of your Company Representative in Taxation Department Authorised Officer and Supplier/Contact Name.
- Click Copy Company Details to copy the e-Mail, Supplier/Contact Company, Supplier ABN, Street Address, City/Suburb, State, Postcode, Country, Phone Number and Fax Number from Company details.
- Click Save then Exit to close the Company window.
Last modified:
Jul 09, 2020