- STP Info: Click Click here to Add/Edit STP Reporting Information
- Company Details
- Copy Company Details: Copies the Trading Name (Payer trading name), Full Company Name (Payer name), Branch Code, ABN, Street Address, City/Suburb, State, Postcode, Country, Phone Number, Fax Number and e-Mail from Company details.
- Legal Entity Name (Company Name): The Legal Entity Name as displayed on the Australian Business Register (ABR)
- Full Company Name (Payer name): The Business Name as displayed on the Australian Business Register (ABR).
- Contact Person: Authorised Company representative who will supply information to the ATO.
- Branch Code: Used when the registered Company has more than one office trading in different locations.
- ABN: Australian Business Number.
- BMS ID: Business Management System ID, used for Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting.
- Username: Username with our Sending Service Provider (SSP) used for Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting.
- Password: Password with our Sending Service Provider (SSP) used for Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting.
- Street Address: Physical address of the organisation.
- City/Suburb: Location of the organisation.
- State: State of the organisation.
- Postcode: Postcode of the organisation.
- Country: Country of the organisation.
- Postal Address: Postal address of the organisation.
- City/Suburb: Location of the postal address.
- State: State of the postal address.
- Postcode: Postcode of the postal address.
- Country: Country of the postal address.
- Phone Number: Main contact number.
- Fax Number: Facsimile number.
- e-Mail Address : Main e-Mail Address.
- Intermediary Details
Intermediary Details only requires completion if another Company (Accountant or Bookkeeper) is submitting any STP files on the Business’s behalf.- Load Company details from another Company: Copies the Trading Name (Payer trading name), Full Company Name (Payer name), Branch Code, ABN, Street Address, City/Suburb, State, Postcode, Country, Phone Number, Fax Number and e-Mail from the selected Companies details.
- Legal Entity Name (Company Name): The Legal Entity Name as displayed on the Australian Business Register (ABR) of the registered Company submitting STP Files on the Business’s behalf.
- Full Company Name: Full Company Name
- Contact Person: Authorized representative who will supply information to the ATO.
- Branch Code: Used when the registered Company has more than one office trading in different locations.
- Tax Agent Number: Unique Identifier for the Accountant or Bookkeeper.
- Street Address: Physical address of the Intermediary.
- City/Suburb: Location of the Intermediary.
- State: State of the Intermediary.
- Postcode: Postcode of the Intermediary.
- Country: Country of the Intermediary.
- Postal Address: Postal address of the Intermediary.
- City/Suburb: Location of the postal Intermediary.
- State: State of the postal Intermediary.
- Postcode: Postcode of the postal Intermediary.
- Country: Country of the postal Intermediary.
- Phone Number: Main contact number.
- Fax Number: Facsimile number.
- e-Mail Address : Main e-Mail Address.
- Company Details
Last modified:
Jul 29, 2020