- Select File, then Accounting Export (e-Port), then Export Data.
- In Select Database Table, select the Employee Employees Table.
- In Available Database Fields, select the first item listed below, then select >> Add >>. Repeat this process with every item listed below,
- AccrualCommencementDate (Date)
- AddAmountToTax (Text, 10)
- AddressLine1 (Text, 38)
- AddressLine2 (Text, 38)
- AltName (Text, 50)
- AnnualLeaveAccrued (Number (Double))
- AnnualLeaveTaken (Number (Double))
- AustralianResident (Text, 1)
- AwardDBID (Number (Short))
- Birthdate (Date).
- Country (Text, 20)
- DateHired (Date)
- EmpActive (Yes/No)
- FirstNames (Text, 50)
- FlatTaxPercent (Number (Single)()
- HECSTaxOption (Yes/No)
- HomePhone (Text, 12)
- Internet1 (Text, 76)
- JobTitle (Text, 30)
- LeaveLoading (Yes/No)
- Locality (Text, 27)
- LongServiceAccrued (Number (Double))
- LongServiceTaken (Number (Double))
- MedicareLevy (Text, 1)
- MemberFundID (Number (Integer))
- MemberFundNo (Text, 20)
- NoDependants (Number (Short))
- PayeeABN (Test, 11)
- PayeeEntityType (Text, 1)
- PAYGVoluntaryFlatTax (Text, 8)
- PayPeriod (Text, 1)
- PostCode (Text, 4)
- RDOsAccured (Number (Double)
- RDOsTaken (Number (Double)
- RESCPercentOrDollar (Text, 10)
- Sex (Text, 1)
- SFSSTaxOption (Yes/No)
- SGLFundID (Number (Integer))
- SGLFundNo (Text, 20)
- SGLPercentOrDollar (Text, 20)
- SickLeaveAccured (Number (Double))
- SickLeaveTaken (Number (Double))
- SpecialAwardRate (Number (Short))
- SpecialTaxTable (Number (Short))
- State (Text, 3)
- Status (Text, 1)
- SurName (Text, 50)
- TaxFileNumber (Text, 11)
- TaxFreeThreshold (Yes/No)
- TerminationDate (Date)
- TILAccured (Number (Double))
- TILTaken (Number (Double))
- Next, select Settings.
- Select Field Name Header, then select OK.
- Next, select Browse.
- Select the location to which you would like to save the export, enter the File Name you would like to use, and then select Open.
- Please ensure the file extension is. CSV. (e.g. TEST.CSV)
- Select Export.
- The Exported Details will be opened in Excel.
- DELETE ALL CEASED Payees are deleted from the exported data.
- If required, change the following fields to be formatted as TEXT and ensure the information displayed is correct,
- HomePhone
- MemberFundNo
- SGLFundNo
- TaxFileNumber
- Change the ID displayed for the following to the correct DBID within e-PayDay Go. Please print the Award/Agreement List and the Superannuation Fund List Reports to obtain these IDs.
- AwardDBID
- MemberFundID
- Close the Export after making all required changes.
- To import this in e-PayDay Go, please refer to Import your Payee Information
Last modified:
Jun 14, 2024