1. Select File, then Accounting Export (e-Port), then Export Data.
  2. In Select Database Table, select the Employee Employees Table.
  3. In Available Database Fields, select the first item listed below, then select >> Add >>. Repeat this process with every item listed below,
    1. AccrualCommencementDate (Date)
    2. AddAmountToTax (Text, 10)
    3. AddressLine1 (Text, 38)
    4. AddressLine2 (Text, 38)
    5. AltName (Text, 50)
    6. AnnualLeaveAccrued (Number (Double))
    7. AnnualLeaveTaken (Number (Double))
    8. AustralianResident (Text, 1)
    9. AwardDBID (Number (Short))
    10. Birthdate (Date).
    11. Country (Text, 20)
    12. DateHired (Date)
    13. EmpActive (Yes/No)
    14. FirstNames (Text, 50)
    15. FlatTaxPercent (Number (Single)()
    16. HECSTaxOption (Yes/No)
    17. HomePhone (Text, 12)
    18. Internet1 (Text, 76)
    19. JobTitle (Text, 30)
    20. LeaveLoading (Yes/No)
    21. Locality (Text, 27)
    22. LongServiceAccrued (Number (Double))
    23. LongServiceTaken (Number (Double))
    24. MedicareLevy (Text, 1)
    25. MemberFundID (Number (Integer))
    26. MemberFundNo (Text, 20)
    27. NoDependants (Number (Short))
    28. PayeeABN (Test, 11)
    29. PayeeEntityType (Text, 1)
    30. PAYGVoluntaryFlatTax (Text, 8)
    31. PayPeriod (Text, 1)
    32. PostCode (Text, 4)
    33. RDOsAccured (Number (Double)
    34. RDOsTaken (Number (Double)
    35. RESCPercentOrDollar (Text, 10)
    36. Sex (Text, 1)
    37. SFSSTaxOption (Yes/No)
    38. SGLFundID (Number (Integer))
    39. SGLFundNo (Text, 20)
    40. SGLPercentOrDollar (Text, 20)
    41. SickLeaveAccured (Number (Double))
    42. SickLeaveTaken (Number (Double))
    43. SpecialAwardRate (Number (Short))
    44. SpecialTaxTable (Number (Short))
    45. State (Text, 3)
    46. Status (Text, 1)
    47. SurName (Text, 50)
    48. TaxFileNumber (Text, 11)
    49. TaxFreeThreshold (Yes/No)
    50. TerminationDate (Date)
    51. TILAccured (Number (Double))
    52. TILTaken (Number (Double))
  4. Next, select Settings.
  5. Select Field Name Header, then select OK.
  6. Next, select Browse.
  7. Select the location to which you would like to save the export, enter the File Name you would like to use, and then select Open.
    1. Please ensure the file extension is. CSV. (e.g. TEST.CSV)
  8. Select Export.
  9. The Exported Details will be opened in Excel.
  10. DELETE ALL CEASED Payees are deleted from the exported data.
  11. If required, change the following fields to be formatted as TEXT and ensure the information displayed is correct,
    1. HomePhone
    2. MemberFundNo
    3. SGLFundNo
    4. TaxFileNumber
  12. Change the ID displayed for the following to the correct DBID within e-PayDay Go. Please print the Award/Agreement List and the Superannuation Fund List Reports to obtain these IDs.
    1. AwardDBID
    2. MemberFundID
    3. SGLFundID
  13. Close the Export after making all required changes.
  14. To import this in e-PayDay Go, please refer to Import your Payee Information
Revision: 11
Last modified: Jun 14, 2024