- Click Pay Types > New Pay Rate or
Click Pay Types from the Side Bar, Navigate to Pay Type, click on the drop-down menu and change to Pay Rate then click New. - Enter the Description.
- Select Paid by.
- Per Day
- Per Hour
- Per Lump Sum
- Per Month
- Per Pay Period
- Per Week
- Enter the Amount ( $ or % ).
- If the employee is entitled to earn more super on this pay rate, enter the Superannuation % in Using Super as set in the employees’ file instead of X.XX%.
- In Tax Treatment, select from the following options;
- Employment Termination Payment, Death benefit dependants ETP (Taxed at 0%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Death benefit dependants ETP (Taxed at 47%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Death benefit non-dependants ETP (Taxed at 32%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Death benefit non-dependants ETP (Taxed at 47%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Life benefit (Taxed at 17%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Life benefit (Taxed at 32%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Life benefit (Taxed at 47%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Post-June 94 Invalidity (Taxed at 0%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Pre-July 83 Invalidity (Taxed at 0%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Foreign resident No TFN (Taxed at 45%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, No TFN (Taxed at 47%) (ETP)
- Employment Termination Payment, Rolled over (Taxed at 0%) (ETP)
- Redundancy / Invalidity / Retirement payments (Taxed at 0%) (Lump Sum D)
- Unused Annual Leave accrued before 18/8/1993 (Taxed at 32% – Lump Sum A)
- Unused Annual Leave accrued after 17/8/1993 (Taxed at Marginal rates)
- Unused Annual Leave, Genuine Redundancy (Taxed at 32% – Lump Sum A)
- Unused Long Service accrued before 16/8/78 (5% of the total taxed at marginal rates – Lump Sum B)
- Unused Long Service accrued between 16/8/78 and 17/8/93 (Taxed at 32% – Lump Sum A)
- Unused Long Service accrued after 17/8/1993 (Taxed at Marginal rates)
- Unused Long Service, Genuine Redundancy (Taxed at 32% – Lump Sum A)
- If required, change the following fields,
- Tax
- Payroll Tax
- Accruals
- Long Service Leave
- Annual Leave
- Superannuation (OTE)
- RDO’s
- Personal Leave
- Contributes to $450.00 Rule
- Union/Professional association
- Super Deducted before tax is calculated.
- Tax
- Click Save then Exit.
Last modified:
Apr 12, 2022