!As you will appreciate, our support team is extremely busy at this time of year. We will endeavour to resolve all of your queries promptly by telephone and e-mail, as determined by the urgency of your queries.
We understand how stressful End-Of-Financial-Year can be, that nerves may be frayed, and tolerance may be in short supply at this time of year. Thank you sincerely for your co-operation and understanding at this busy time.
If we believe that your question is answered within this guide, then you will be directed to the relevant section to answer your question/s due to the substantial number of calls during the End-Of-Financial-Year period
Our Staff have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times. They should be able to do their jobs without being verbally abused. Most people respect this and thank you for being one of them.
e-PayDay® Payroll Support Personnel are not registered Taxation or BAS agents and therefore are unable to provide payroll advice. They will assist you in the use of the software in obtaining your desired outcome based on the guidance provided to you by your Accountant or Bookkeeper. Support Services are provided to assist you in the use of e-PayDay® and is NOT intended for Fair Work, Taxation, Superannuation, Legislative advice, or interpretation. Payroll Product Training is available separately and is not included in your Subscription.
To contact the Australian Taxation Office: www.ato.gov.au
Business Tax Enquiries: 13 28 66
Submit a Support Request here.
Last modified:
Jun 24, 2024