If the new business owners are not continuing with e-PayDay®

  1. Send an e-mail to software@e-payday.com.au to cancel your subscription. This e-mail must include your Software Client Number (SCN).
  2. Process the final pay run for your ABN, including any Cessation / Termination Pays as directed by the relevant parties.
  3. Process the End of Financial Year

If the new business owners are continuing with e-PayDay® by continuing with your subscription

  1. Send an e-mail to software@e-payday.com.au to notify us of this change and provide the new details for us to update our database.
  2. Process the final pay run for your ABN, including any Cessation / Termination Pays as directed by the relevant parties.
  3. Process the End of Financial Year
  4. Copy your Company
  5. Update the Company Information, including the NEW ABN
  6. Delete any Employees who should not be under the new ABN.
  7. Add the new Company (ABN) into your existing SuperChoice account
  8. Request a NEW Company Registration Key
  9. Enter the NEW Company Registration Key

If the new business owners are continuing with e-PayDay® by purchasing thier own subscription,

  1. Send an e-mail to software@e-payday.com.au to cancel your subscription. This e-mail must include your Software Client Number (SCN).
  2. Process the final pay run for your ABN, including any Cessation / Termination Pays as directed by the relevant parties.
  3. Process the End of Financial Year
  4. Copy your Company
  5. Update the Company Information, including the NEW ABN
  6. Delete any Employees who should not be under the new ABN.
  7. Back up the New Company and provide it to the new business owners
Revision: 13
Last modified: Dec 30, 2022