The following tables list the icons from the Toolbar and their name. There are three (3) tabs in total: Home, GIS and Simulation. A brief description of the contents of these tabs are given in Table 4-3 Table 4-5. For a more detailed description of each Toolbar item, please refer to the Help System within the program.
Icon | Command | Icon | Command |
New Project Creates a new project |
Open Project Opens an existing project |
Save Project Saves the current project |
Save Project As Saves the current project under a different name |
Import Import scenarios |
Export Export the current scenario |
Copy to Clipboard Copy select objects to clipboard |
Print Print the canvas |
Icon | Command | Icon | Command |
New Project Creates a new project |
Delete Deletes selection |
Open Project Opens an existing project |
Undo Removes the latest action |
Save Project Saves the current project |
Redo Repeats the last action |
Save Project As Saves the current project under a different name |
Edit History Displays list of actions performed by the modeler(s) |
Copy Copies the selection to the clip-board |
Find Locates a specific object by ID or name |
Cut Extracts the selection to the clipboard |
Windows Provides dropdown for selection of windows to be displayed |
Paste Pastes copied or cut hydrologic objects |
Options Accesses window to define gen-eral settings details such as Unit and Precision, etc. |
Icon | Command | Icon | Command |
Add Layer Provides Dropdown to add an imported GIS layer, Group Map layer or Base Map Layer into the Map View. |
Find Feature Locates a specific object or specific text in the Map. |
Attribute Table Accesses Attributes Table of selected feature. |
Pan Allows to pan around the map. |
Zoom In Zooms into the selected area. |
Zoom Out Zooms out from selected area. |
Fixed Zoom In Zooms in on the map at a preset scale, usually into the center of the Map. |
Fixed Zoom Out Zooms out on the map at a preset scale usually from the center of the Map. |
Last Extent Brings the user back to the last extent view. |
Next Extent Brings back to current extent if the Last Extent was used to view previous extent. |
Zoom Pan Zoom in/out depending on panning up or down. |
Full Extent Shows the full extent of the map. |
Select Feature Select features on the Map. |
Identify Identifies the selected features and displays all the attributes of it. |
Add Vertex When in editing mode (double click a focused feature) allows to add a new vertex along an existing polyline or polygon shape. |
Remove Vertex When in editing mode deletes any existing vertex from a project object |
**Edit Tool* Select features on map to edit |
Add Link Create the link between two hydrologic objects on map |
Point Allows to snap to a point. |
MidPoint Allows to snap to a vertex when required |
Vertex Allows to snap to the vertex. |
Intersection Allows to snap to the intersection |
Edge Allows to snap along the edge of polyline or polygon. |
EndPoint Allows to snap to the end point of polyline or polygon. |
Assign Geometry Assign geometry to hydrologic objects |
Calculate CN Calculate CN based on soil and land use layer and assign to NasHyd or StandHyd |
Calculate Area Weighted Calculate the parameter values with given layer using area-weighted method |
Calculate Landuse Percentage Calculate the Area and Percent-age values with given layer using are-weighted method |
Icon | Command | Icon | Command |
Run Runs simulation |
Hydrograph Displays hydrograph window |
Detail Output Displays the detail text output for selected objects |
Summary Output Displays the summary text output for selected objects |
Cross Scenario Plot Plots hydrograph for objects from different scenarios |
Hydrograph Result Display the hydrograph summary in a table |
Flow Data Displays the hydrograph time-series in a table |
Resource Library Displays the Resource Library window |
Convert to CN * Converts the CN to CN * |
Batch Assign Assigns parameter value of selected parameter to given values |
Calibrate Commands Changes parameter values with given percentage |
Plot Calibration Plots calculated and observed hydrograph |
Export Channel Roughness Export the channel roughness to a file |
Export Channel Cross Sections Export the channel cross sections to a file |