This table contains TP and TSS loading rates for different land uses in mg/L. We will be using the default water quality table found in the Resources Library, however users may duplicate this table and edit/add land use types and loading rates.
If you choose to duplicate and edit the water quality table in your Resource Library remember to save your library before you exit so you can use the table again in the future.
A Water Quality table contains TP and TSS concentrations for different land uses in mg/L. We will be using the default water quality table found in the Resources Library, but users may edit/add their own tables. To add a Water Quality table to your model as the following the steps.
1. Open the Resource Library by selecting the icon in the tool bar at the top of your screen.
2. In the Resource Library, navigate to and select a group folder in Library Explorer, and click Water Quality button in the Library tool bar, which is usually on the top of your screen. A table showing different land uses with their assigned TSS and TP concentrations will open.
3. Add the Water Quality table to project manager by either of the following two ways: 1) right click the added Water Quality table, i.e. Water Quality -> New Water Quality, to open context menu and select Add to Model; 2) click Add to Model button in the Library tool bar.
Then, this table will now show up in the Project Manager tab under Water Quality Data.
It is important to note that the Resource Library in VO is currently saved locally on your computer, so only data which you upload and save to your Resource library will be saved there. If you are reviewing a model, the data used to run the model will show up in the Project Manager tab but will not be in your Resource Library. To see which data was used to run the model just double click on the Water Quality Data in the Project Manager tab and a window will open displaying the data.