The monitoring precipitation, temperature and evaporation data is added to corresponding gauges from a data file. To do this:
- Select the gauge first and then click the proper Read-in button
in the Toolbar.
- In the New Monitored Data window, click the Browse … button in the window to browse the data file to display it in the Data Preview area at the bottom. If Use File Name is checked, the file name will be set as the name of the data item.
- If you are satisfied with the data, click OK button to add the data item to the library.
- For the measured Rain Data, Choose proper Unit and Rain Format. The Unit has two options: Metric and Imperial. For the Rain Format of VO project, only VOLUME is supported, but for VO-SWMM project, all the three types of Rain Format from EPA SWMM5 are supported: INTENSITY, VOLUME and CUMULATIVE
The data file should be in a simple CSV file with first column as the time and the second column as the data value. The first row is treated as the column name and will be ignored.
Although data from any time step can be added to the library, the continuous simulation only sup-ports certain time steps. For precipitation, it is 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min, 1hr and 1day. For temperature and evaporation, it is 1day. The format of climate data files can be found in 10.2 Climate Data Files.