Table of Contents
User’s Manual
What’s VO Suite
1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome
1.2 About the User’s Manual
1.3 VO Help Support
1.3.1 Documentation
1.3.2 Program Help File
1.3.3 Help Search
1.3.4 Context-Sensitive Help (F1)
1.3.5 Seminars and Workshops
1.4 Customer Support
1.5 Legal
1.5.1 End User License Agreement
1.5.2 Service License Agreement
1.5.3 Terms and Conditions Agreement
1.6 Installing Visual OTTHYMO
1.6.1 Hardware and Software Requirements
1.6.2 Licensing System
1.6.3 Installing VO
1.6.4 Running VO
1.6.5 Uninstall VO
1.7 License Management Portal Feature Guide
1.7.1 DCLM Guide Table of Contents Introduction Getting Started User Roles and Permissions VO License Subscription Table Overview License Management User Management
1.8 What’s New
1.8.1 What’s New in Version 6.0
1.8.2 What’s New in Version 6.1
1.8.3 What’s New in Version 6.2
2 Quick Start Tutorial
2.1 Example Study Area
2.2 Project Setup for Single-Event Model
2.3 Creating Drainage Network on Canvas
2.4 Setting Hydrologic Object Properties
2.5 Adding Design Storm
2.6 Running Single-Event Simulations
2.7 Viewing Single-Event Simulation Outputs
2.8 Converting to Continuous OTTYHYMO Model
2.9 Adding Long-term Precipitation and Temperature
2.10 Running Continuous Simulations
2.11 Viewing Continuous Simulation Outputs
3 Conceptual Model
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Visual OTTHYMO Hydrologic Objects Overview
3.3 Common Parameters
3.4 Flow Generation Hydrologic Objects
3.4.2 NASHYD
3.4.3 WILHYD
3.4.4 SCSHYD
3.5 Flow Routing Hydrologic Objects
3.5.4 ROUTERESERVOIR Shape Discharge
3.6 Flow Separation Hydrologic Objects
3.6.2 DUHYD
3.7 Flow Merging or Reading Hydrologic Objects
3.8 Other Hydrological Objects
3.9 Low Impact Development (LID)
3.9.1 Common Parameters
3.9.9 FILTER
3.10 Overview
3.11 Toolbox
3.12 Toolbar
3.13 Project Manager
3.14 Properties
3.14.1 Editing Simple Property
3.14.2 Editing Collection Data
3.14.3 Editing Loss Routine of STANDHYD
3.14.4 Editing Connected Command
3.14.5 CN* Flag
3.15 Parameter Tables
3.16 Hydrograph Results / Water Balance Results
3.17 Water Quality Results
3.18 Error List
4 Working Projects and Scenarios
4.1 Projects
4.1.1 Project Types
4.1.2 Creating a New Project
4.1.3 Opening an Existing Project
4.1.4 Saving a Project
4.2 Scenarios
4.2.1 Creating a New Scenario
4.2.2 Duplicating an Existing Scenario
4.2.3 Opening an Existing Scenario
4.2.4 Setting Default Scenario
4.2.5 Scenario Settings
4.3 Importing Scenarios from Model Data Files
4.3.1 Model Data Files Supported
4.3.2 Importing SWMM5
4.3.3 Importing Visual OTTHYMO V2.4 and Later
4.3.4 Importing Visual OTTHYMO V2.0 – V2.3 Data Files
4.3.5 Importing Classic OTTHYMO Data Files
5 Working with Canvas
5.1 Adding Background
5.2 Adding Hydrologic Objects
5.3 Selecting Hydrologic Objects
5.4 Changing the Location of Hydrologic Objects
5.5 Linking Hydrologic Objects
5.6 Navigating Canvas
5.7 Creating Labels
5.8 Printing Model Schematic
6 Working with the Map
6.1 Map View Layout
6.1.1 Context menu
6.2 Default Coordinate System
6.3 Using Layers
6.3.1 Layer Types
6.3.2 Hydrologic Object Layers
6.3.3 Support Layers
6.3.4 Layer Context Menu
6.3.5 Adding a Layer
6.3.6 Moving Layers
6.3.7 Removing Layers
6.3.8 Defining Layer Visibility
6.3.9 Defining Layer Symbol
6.3.10 Labeling Layer
6.3.11 Editing Map Legend
6.4 Using the Map
6.4.1 Navigating the Map
6.4.2 Selecting Features on Map
6.4.3 Creating Hydrologic Objects Manually
6.4.4 Creating Hydrologic Objects with GIS Data
6.4.5 Linking Hydrologic Objects
6.4.6 Assigning Geometry to Existing Hydrological Objects
6.4.7 Decouple Geometry
6.4.8 Moving, Editing and Deleting Hydrologic Objects
6.4.9 Cutting Polygon – Hydrologic Objects
6.5 Updating Hydrologic Object Location in Schematic View
6.6 Using GIS Tools
6.6.1 Calculating CN
6.6.2 Calculating Area Weighted
6.6.3 Calculating Landuse Percentage
6.6.4 Distributed Rainfall Modeling Technique (DRMT) Adding Rain Gauges Using DRMT Tool
6.6.5 Obtain Rainfall from Raster
6.6.6 Query
6.6.7 Import Layer
6.6.8 Export Layer
6.6.9 Add Layer Add WebService Layer Tool
6.6.10 Save/Load Symbols
6.6.11 Export Specific Layer/Polygon
6.6.12 Create Polygon Layer
6.6.13 Download DEM
6.7 Turning off Map Functions
6.8 Urban DEM Processing
6.8.1 Flow Path
6.8.2 Assign Layers
6.8.3 Generate Subcatchments
6.9 Rural DEM Processing
6.9.1 Generate Subcatchments
6.9.2 Sink and Flat Analysis
6.10 Raster to Contour
6.11 Clip Raster
7 Working with Resource Library
7.1 Opening Resource Library
7.2 Toolbar
7.3 Library Explorer
7.3.1 Order of Items
7.3.2 Icons
7.3.3 Context Menu
7.3.4 Drag and Drop
7.4 Main View
7.5 Adding New Items
7.5.1 Adding Group
7.5.2 Adding IDF Group
7.5.3 Adding IDF Curve
7.5.4 Adding Design Storm New Read-In Design Storm New MASS Design Storm New Design Storms Based on IDF Group
7.5.5 Adding Rain Gauge, Temperature Gauge, Evaporation Gauge, Groundwater Gauge and Flow Gauge
7.5.6 Adding Precipitation, Temperature, Evaporation, Groundwater and Flow Data
7.5.7 Adding Water Quality
7.6 Assigning IDF to Chicago Design Storm
7.6.1 Coping and Pasting A, B, C
7.6.2 Dragging and Dropping IDF Curve to Chicago Design Storm
7.7 Sharing
7.7.1 Exporting
7.7.2 Importing
7.8 Adding Climate Data to Model
7.9 Adding Water Quality Data to Model
8 Running a Simulation
8.1 Overview
8.2 Single-Event Simulation
8.3 Continuous Simulation
8.3.1 Setting Simulation Engine
8.3.2 Creating and Running Simulations
9 Working with Output
9.1 Overview of Output Features
9.2 Single-Event Simulation Outputs
9.2.1 Summary Data Viewing Summary Data in Table Viewing Summary Data in Label
9.2.2 Flow Data
9.2.3 Hydrograph Plot Hydrograph Cross Scenario Plot Plot Calibration
9.2.4 Water Quality Data
9.2.5 Traditional Detailed and Summary Output
9.2.6 Reviewing Output
9.3 Continuous Simulation Outputs
9.3.1 Summary Data
9.3.2 Wetland Water Balance
9.3.3 Time Series Plot Hydrograph Plot Results Plot Calibration
9.3.4 Water Balance
10 Visual OTTHYMO Files
10.1 Project Files
10.2 Climate Data Files
10.3 Calibration Files
10.4 Hydrograph Files
11 Troubleshooting
11.1 Error and Warning Messages
11.1.1 Interface File Messages
11.1.2 Output File Messages
11.2 Program Quits During Run Simulation
12 Appendix A – Tools
A.1 Convert to CN*
A.2 Batch Assign
A.3 Batch Edit
A.4 Calibrate Commands
A.5 Scenario Comparison
A.5.1 Wetland in Continuous Project – Hydroperiod and Inflow Mass Curve
A.5.2 RouteChannel in Continuous Project – Erosion Analysis for
A.6 Save Selection
A.7 Pond Sizing
Manual Entry of Target Peak Flow
13 Conclusion
Reference Guide
1 Tips for Modeling Ungauged Rural Catchments
1.1 Initial Abstraction Paramters, IA
1.1.1 Modified Curve Number Method (CN*)
1.1.2 SCS Method (CN)
1.2 Modified Curve Number, CN*
1.3 Time to Peak Parameter, TP
1.3.1 Upland’s Method
1.3.2 Bransby – William’s Formula
1.3.3 Airport Method
1.3.4 William’s Equation (1977)
2 Tips for Modeling Ungauged Urban Catchments
2.1 Imperviousness
2.2 Loss Routine
2.3 Parameters for the Pervious Component
2.4 Parameters for the Impervious Component
3 SWM Pond Modeling
3.1 How to Build a Rating Curve Using Route Reservoir
4 Computation of Rainfall Losses
4.1 Critical Review of SCS Curve Number Procedure
4.1.1 Critical Review of SCS Curve Number Procedure
4.2 Calibration of the Modified SCS CN Procedure
4.3 Infiltration Procedures in STANDHYD
4.3.1 Horton’s Equation
4.3.2 Modified CN Procedure
4.4 Considerations in Using the Rainfall Losses
5 Unit Hydrograph Options in Visual OTTHYMO
5.1 IUH Relations
5.6 Use of IUH’s for I/I Simulation and Baseflow (DWF)
5.7 Unit Hydrograph Options for Rural Areas
5.7.1 Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
5.7.2 Estimation of Time to Peak (Tp) in NASHYD
5.7.3 William’s Unit Hydrograph
6 Routing Options in Visual OTTHYMO
6.1 Simulation Time Steps
6.2 Time Shift Routing
6.3 Variable Storage Coefficient Routing in Visual OTTHYMO
6.4 Muskingum – Cunge Channel Routing
6.4.1 Basic Flow Equations
6.4.2 Solution of Flow Equations
6.4.3 Data Requirements
6.4.4 Simulation Results
7 Design Storms for Stormwater Management Studies
7.1 Methodology of Design Storms
7.1.1 Results for the Chicago Design Storm
7.2 Methodology for Comparing Design Storms and a Historical Storm Series
7.2.1 Rainfall Input
7.2.2 Watersheds Studies
7.3 Results of Peak Flows from Design Storms and Historic Storm Events
7.3.1 Rural Watersheds
7.3.2 Urban Watersheds
7.3.3 Mixed Landuse Watershed
7.4 Conclusions
8 A Review of Design Storm Profiles
8.1 Intensity Duration Frequency Curves
8.2 Frequency of Real Storms and Synthetic Storms
8.3 Uniform Design Storm
8.4 Composite Design Storm
8.5 Chicago Design Storm
8.5.1 Derivation of the Chicago Design Storm
8.5.2 Parameter Estimation
8.5.3 Determination of the Chicago Design Storm Hydrograph
8.6 SCS 24-Hour Design Storm
8.7 SCS 6-Hour Design Storm
8.8 Illinois State Water Survey Design Storm
8.9 Atomspheric Environment Service Design Storm
8.10 Flood Studies Report Design Storm
8.11 Pilgrim and Cordery Design Storm
8.12 Yen and Chow Design Storm
9 Water Balance Processes in Continuous Simulation
9.1 Climate Data
9.1.1 Precipitation Data
9.1.2 Temperature Data
9.1.3 Evaporation Data
9.2 Snow Pack Water Balance
9.2.1 Initial Condition
9.2.2 New Snow Additions
9.2.3 Snowmelt
9.2.4 Rainfall
9.2.5 Refreeze of Snowpack Liquid Water
9.2.6 Snowpack Compaction
9.2.7 Release of Liquid Water
9.3 Depression Storage Water Balance
9.4 Active Soil Zone Water Balance
9.4.1 Water Contributed from Indirectly Connected Impervious Area
9.4.2 Runoff
9.4.3 Evapotranspiration
9.4.4 Groundwater Infiltration
9.5 Modeling a Wetland
10 Low Impact Development Controls
10.1 Governing Equations
10.1.1 Infiltration Equation
10.1.2 Seepage
10.1.3 Overflow
10.1.4 Outflow
10.1.5 Enhanced Swale Outflow
10.1.6 LID Underdrain
10.1.7 Evapotranspiration
10.1.8 Water Quality
10.2 LID Practices
10.2.1 Soakaway Pit
10.2.2 Underground Chamber
10.2.3 Pavement
10.2.4 Rain Garden
10.2.5 Bioretention Mulch Layer Engineering Soil Layer Storage Layer
10.2.6 Enhanced Swale
10.2.7 Green Roof
Creating a VO Model in Schematic View
Step 1: Open VO and Create a new Otthymo Project
Step 2: Add a Background
Step 3: Create StandHyd for Urban Catchment
Step 4: Create NasHyd for Rural Catchment
Step 5: Label Hydrologic Objects
Step 6: Create RouteChannel
Step 7: Connect StandHyd and NasHyd to RouteChannels
Step 8: Create AddHyds and Connect all Hydrologic Objects
Step 9: Check the Default Hyetograph
Step 10: Run the Simulation
Step 11: View Outputs
Step 12: Save and Close the Project
Creating a VO model with Existing GIS Data
Step 1: Set VO Map Options and Create a New Project
Step 2: Add GIS layers
Step 3: Create NasHyds with Catchment Layer
Step 4: Create RouteChannel with Stream Layer
Step 5: Create an AddHyd with an Outlet Layer
Step 6: Setup Symbols
Step 7: Connect NasHyds, RouteChannels and AddHyds
Step 8: Calculate CN
Step 9: Save Project and Run Simulation
Generating Subcatchments in Urban Areas with VO GIS Tools
Importing DEM File
Zooming to Imported Layer
Saving the Project
Generating Flow Path
Generate Subcatchments
Map Window Customization and Layer Styling
Export Generated Layers in VO
View Layer in Google Earth
Generating Subcatchments in Rural Areas with VO GIS Tools
Clipping a Raster in VO
Using Resource Library
Step 1: Open Climate Library
Step 2: Create a Top Group
Step 3: Create a Sub Group for STM Files
Step 4: Add Design Storms from STM Files
Step 5: Create another Sub Group for IDF
Step 6: Create IDF Group
Step 7: Create Chicago, SCS Type II and AES Design Storm based on IDF Group
Step 8: Add Design Storms to Model
Working with a Continuous Model
Step 1: Open VO and create a Continuous Otthymo project
Step 2: Add Precipitation Data to the Resource Library
Step 3: Add Temperature Data to the Resource Library
Step 4: Add Precipitation and Temperature Data to the Project
Step 5: Setup and Run Simulation
Step 6: View Results
Sizing a Pond Using the Route Reservoir Command
Step 1: Open and Run Pre-development Model
Step 2: Get Target Peak Flow from Pre-development Conditions
Step 3: Create a Scenario for Post-development Conditions
Step 4: Adjust Schematic Layout
Step 5: Set Parameters for the New Catchments
Step 6: Size the pond
LIDs and Water Quality Single-Event Model
Step 1: Open a Saved Project
Step 2: Open the Pre-development Scenarios
Step 3: Add Water Quality in Model
Step 4: Assign Land Use for Hydrograph Commands
Step 5: Run the Simulation for Pre-development Scenario
Step 6: Create and Run Post-development Model
Step 7: Add LID Commands
Step 8: Run Preliminary Simulation
Step 9: Set Parameters for Bioretention Tank
Step 10: Set Parameters for Filter
Step 11: Set Parameters for Rain Garden
Step 12: Set Parameters for Route Reservoir
Step 13: Run the LID Model
Step 14: Display Results by Labels
Step 15: Compare Results by Scenario Comparison
Step 16: Save and Close Project
LIDs and Water Quality Continuous Model
Step 1: Open a Saved Project
Step 2: Run Simulation for Pre-Development Conditions
Step 3: Run Simulations for Post-Development Conditions without LIDs
Step 4: Run Simulations for Post-Development Conditions with LIDs
Step 5: Water Balance Analysis for Bioretention Tank
Analyzing Erosion for New Development
Step 1: Create a New Single-Event Project
Step 2: Create a Scenario for the Existing Conditions
Step 3: Create Scenarios for Post-Development without Control
Step 4: Create a New Continuous Model from the Single-Event Model
Step 5: Add Rain Data From Resource Library
Step 6: Setup and Run Simulation for Model Calibration
Step 7: Run Long-Term Simulation for Existing Scenario
Step 8: Analyze Erosion Indices for Existing Scenario
Step 9: Run Long-Term Simulation for Post-Development Scenario without Control
Step 10: Compare Erosion Indices for Existing Scenario and Post-Development Scenario without Control
Step 11: Create Scenarios for Post-Development with Controls in the Single-Event Model
Step 12: Add Rain Data Using Resource Library
Step 13: Run Simulations with Design Storms
Step 14: Size Ponds
Step 15: Import the Post-Development Scenarios with Control to the Continuous Project
Step 16: Run Long-Term Simulation for Control Scenarios
Step 17: Compare Erosion Indices for Existing Scenario, Post Scenario and Control Scenarios
Modeling a Wetland: Continuous Simulation, Calibration and Hydroperiod Analysis
Step 1: Open VO and create a new Continuous Otthymo project
Step 2: Add a Background
Step 3: Create NasHyd for the rural subcatchment
Step 4: Create a Route Wetland Downstream of the Rural Subcatchment
Step 5: Edit the RouteWetland Discharge and Depth-Area Curves
Step 6: Connect the NasHyd to the Downstream Route Wetland
Step 7: Enter the Continuous Monitoring Data
Step 8: Setup Batch Simulation and Run the Model
Step 9: Setup Model Calibration
Step 10: View Results
Step 11: Create Post-Development Scenario without Control
Step 12: Create Post-Development Scenario with Control
Step 13: Setup Climate Data for Long-Term Simulation
Step 14: Run Long-Term Simulations
Step 15: Analyze Hydroperiod
Step 16: Save and Close Project
Currently, I am developing a continuous model. I want to assign the LU to each catchment; but the classifications are Open Land, Grass Land, Light Forest, Heavy Forest, and Crops up to shoulder height. Could you please tell me where exactly this LU is use
I’m running a VO model with a DIVERT HYD command, and the output to each outlet does not match the input flow table.
I would like to save the Hydrograph data from a Route Channel in one VO model and then use it for a READ HYD in another VO model. In the VO manual it says there is a “Save Hyd command located in the Hydrograph Data form”, but I can’t seem to find this.
The ADS system has multiple rows of chambers. However, VO asks for only 1 rating curve and outputs only 1 value for outflow. Is the software conceptualizing all the rows into a single row of chambers?
How can I calculate the IDF group?
WARNING: COMPUTATIONS FAILED TO CONVERGE. The routing time step is too large, try reducing it.
I have created an IDF group and would like to create various AES design storms using the group. I am easily able to generate the 1 hr storm but I am not sure how to make the 12 hr Storm. I do not have the option to change the Mass Curve to the 12 hr curve
I am wondering if VO-SWMM has the capability to estimate catchment areas of each storm? If so, how would I access this feature?
The difference between TIMP and XIPM
4.1 Projects
This chapter introduces how to create, open and save a project.
4 Working Projects and Scenarios
4.1.1 Project Types