The original NasHyd 1002 has been split into two catchments. One part remains as NasHyd 1002 and the other part represents the pond area named as StandHyd 1006. Therefore, the area of NasHyd 1002 under the pre-development conditions should be smaller than that under the post-development conditions. Set the parameters of NasHyd 1002 under the pre-development conditions as the table below.

Name Area (ha) DT (min) CN IA (mm) N TP (hr)
1002 4.6 1 80 7 3 0.38

Set the parameters of StandHyd as the table below. The total imperviousness (TIMP) of the pond area StandHyd 1006 is set as 0.5, assuming that a half of the area is filled with water.

Name Ares DT TIMP XIMP CN IA (mm)
1006 0.8 1 0.50 0.50 75 1.5
1003 7.0 1 0.75 0.60 75 1.5
1005 3.0 1 0.75 0.60 75 1.5

Note that the CN and IA of StandHyd are in the LOSS Editor.