Resource Library is a local climate data library with the ability to share with others. Shipped with standard design and regional storm, it is widely used in Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). It can be further expanded with any project related climate data.
The climate data in Resource Library includes Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF), design storm, regional storm, rain gauge, temperature gauge, evaporation gauge, precipitation time series, temperature time series and evaporation time series. More climate data will be added in later versions.
The climate data is organized in a folder-like structure, supporting unlimited levels. The Library Explorer in the Resource Library provides similar functionality as the File Explorer in Windows operating system.
With the current version, the climate data is either entered or imported from a file. The database connection will be added in the later version to grab data from an existing database.
Review agencies may find that the Resource Library is a good way to distribute the design storms required in the development submissions. Modellers and engineers may find themselves save time by avoiding using file-based climate files.