Water quality calculations have been added in VO 5.2. Total suspended solids (TSS) and total phosphorus (TP) loading and removal rates can be specified and calculated in the model. The user can input loading rates based on existing or proposed land use. To add water quality inputs to the model, the user must complete the following:

Open the Resource Library and select the Water Quality Button.

This will open the LandCover inputs tab. From here the user can specify TSS and TP loading rates for individual land covers. Once rates have been specified, the user must click “Add to Model” to add the water quality loading rates to the model scenario. Tables can also be saved for future use and so the user can save various municipality or conservation authority loading ratings.

The user can then assign land use parameters to each sub-catchment which the model uses in loading calculations. Typical loading rates can be assigned based on the existing or proposed land use. Removal efficiencies can be specified in the LID and Route Reservoir commands.