We will go back to the continuous project to evaluate the long-term impact.
Save the Single-Event Project
Before working on a continuous project, save the single-event project. Click Save Project button in the Home toolbar to save all information (including all commands and storms) to a project file.
Open the Saved Continuous Project
Open VO and then select File -> Open Project
Import the Single-Event Model
To import Single-event VO Model, use menu File -> Import -> Import VH Scenario (Current project) and browse to the saved single-event project.
Open saved single-event project. The Import Scenarios window will appear. The available scenarios are listed in the Import Scenario window. Uncheck “Existing” and “Post” scenario, because they were imported before. Keep the 6 control scenarios checked. Click the Import Selected button at the bottom. The scenario created in the single-event model will be added to the continuous project.