Open the Resource Library by clicking the Resource Library button in the toolbar.
Create a Top Group and rename it as exercise.
Keep the group selected and then add a Rain Gauge by either of the following two ways: 1) click Rain Gauge button in the toolbar; 2) right click the group to open the context menu and select Add New Rain Gauge.
Rename it as “Toronto Airport”.
Keep the rain gauge “Toronto Airport” selected and then add a rain fall file by either of the following two ways: 1) click the Read-In button in the toolbar; 2) right click the rain gauge to open the context menu and choose Read New Measured Storm – From Rainfall File.
The New Monitored Storm – From File window will appear.
In the New Monitored Storm – From File window, click Browse… button to open excercise7\data\TORONTO_AIRPORT_PRECIP.csv. The data will be shown in the Data Preview section with a table and graph. Click OK button to add it to the library.