where I is the infiltration rate (mm/hour), t is the current simulation time step, is an effective hydraulic conductivity in which land cover impact (curve number) is considered (mm/hour; Nearing et al., 1996), ψ is the wetting front matric potential (mm), and ∆Φ is a change in soil water content (mm/mm).
is the saturated water content (or porosity) (mm/mm).
is the residual water content and approximated to the wilting point (mm/mm).
To consider unsaturated soil conditions in the calculation of infiltration rate, using effective hydraulic conductivity instead of saturated hydraulic conductivity
. When soil is saturated,
becomes equal to the saturated hydraulic conductivity
Cumulative volume of water infiltrated after ponding ( in mm) is calculated using the following equation:
When the soil is not saturated, a hydraulic conductivity is estimated using the van Genuchten equation (van Genuchten, 1980) based on soil water content, field capacity, and wilting point:
where is the saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/hour),
is the effective (or relative) saturation (mm/mm), m is coefficient. The effective saturation is calculated based on the hydraulic features of soil:
where θ is the current water content (mm/mm), is the residual water content and approximated to the wilting point (mm/mm) for the simplicity, and
is the saturated water content (or porosity) (mm/mm).