To automatically generate subcatchments and assign them to Junctions using the “Generate Catchments” feature under the “Urban DEM Processing” in VO, follow these steps:

1. Select “Generate Catchments” from the “Urban DEM Processing”.
2. The software will initiate the automatic subcatchment generation process.
3. During this process, each subcatchment will be assigned to a corresponding Junction.
4. Wait for the software to complete the generation of subcatchments and Junction assignments. The time required may vary depending on the complexity of the study area and the size of the dataset.
5. Once the process is finished, you will have the subcatchments generated and assigned to their respective nodes.

Please note that the subcatchments generated in VO software are of the NasHyd type. NasHyd represents the hydrological characteristics and parameters associated with each subcatchment, including area, impervious area, storage, roughness coefficient, and other relevant properties. Understanding the NasHyd subcatchment type is important for accurate hydrological modeling and analysis in VO.

After the automatic generation of subcatchments using the “Generate Catchments” feature in VO, you will find the generated subcatchments under the “Hydrograph” layer. The “Hydrology” layer contains all the subcatchments that have been created based on the defined criteria and settings.

To locate and view the subcatchments under the “Hydrology” layer, follow these steps:
1. Look for the “Map” panel on the left side of the Map window.
2. Find the “Hydrology” layer within the list of layers displayed in the panel.
3. Expand or click on the + next to the “Hydrology” layer to reveal its sublayers or subcategories.
4. Look for the specific subcatchment sublayer or category, which may be named “NasHyd”.
5. Click on the checkbox next to the subcatchment sublayer to toggle its visibility on or off.
6. When the subcatchment sublayer is visible, you should be able to see the generated subcatchments displayed on the map.

Note that the appearance or organization of the layers and sublayers may vary depending on the software version or customization options. Make sure to explore the layers panel and locate the appropriate sublayers related to the “Hydrology” layer to view the generated subcatchments.

To identify the necessary modifications required to run your model and address the errors, follow these steps:
Locate the “Error List” tab, usually located in the lower left-hand side of the software interface. Click on the tab to open the “Error List” panel.
In the “Error List” panel, you will see a list of errors associated with the model. These errors indicate the specific issues that need to be resolved before running the model.

In this particular example, there are no errors encountered during the process. The model runs smoothly without any issues or warnings.