In the General tab, users can define the basic properties of the task.

  1. Name: This is a text field that allows users to input the name of the task. It is a mandatory field.
    • There are the following rules determining the validity of names:
      • A valid name can contain letters, numbers, and the underscore symbol. It cannot, however, contain spaces or other special characters. It also cannot begin with a number.
      • A task type must have a unique name. It cannot have the same name as another task type in the application.
  2. Save to Staff: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to change the defined receiver of the task to the current role.
  3. Title: This is a text field that allows users to input the title of the task.
    • The title inputted in this field will be used to identify the task in the DBP web application.
      • Users, however, can also change this displayed title using the Subject Info Template field in the Advanced tab.
    • Unlike with names, there are no rules determining the validity of titles.
  1. Timesheet: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to enable a timesheet for the task.
    • In the web application, there are two ways to access the timesheet for a given task:
      1. From the task context menu:
      2. From the task form:
    • For more information on the features of the Timesheet, click here.
  2. Description: This is a text field that allows users to input a description for the task.
    • In the web application, the task description can be accessed via the History Tree tool.
  3. Dynamic Task Type: In this section, users can manage the dynamic task types linked to the task.
    • To create a dynamic task type, select the button.
      • It will display the Dynamic Task Proxy window, in which users can define the name and subject of the dynamic task type.
        • Save or Exit: To save the dynamic task type, click on the Save button. To exit the window, click on the Exit button.
      • To further define the dynamic task type, users can then switch to the Advanced tab. Users, however, must first apply their changes and close the Task Type Properties window.
    • To delete a dynamic task type, select the button.
  1. Confidentiality: This is a single-select dropdown field that allows users to select the confidentiality level of the task.
    • Confidentiality Levels: Normal or Confidential.
      • If a task is set as normal, it will be shown in the web application as a standard task without any marker or indication of its confidentiality level.
      • If a task is set as confidential, there will be a marker at the top of the form.
  2. Priority: This is a single-select dropdown field that allows users to select the priority level of the task.
    • Priority Levels: Normal, Low, Medium, High, or Urgent.
      • If a task is set as normal, it will be shown in the web application as a standard task without any marker or indication of its priority level.
      • If a task is not set as normal, its priority level will be indicated in the task list.
  1. Receiver: In this section, users can define the receiver(s) of the task. Users can choose to set either specific receivers, defined receivers, or dynamic receivers.
    • Specific Receiver(s): These receivers are individual users, roles, or groups that are explicitly identified by the user.
      • : This button allows users to add a new receiver.
        • It will display the Receivers window, from which users can select the specific receiver.
        • Once a receiver has been added, it will populate the Specific Receiver(s) field.
      • : This button allows users to remove a receiver.
      • All: This option allows for the task to be sent to all selected recipients.
      • Random: This option allows for the task to be sent randomly to one of the selected recipients.
      • Sequential: This option allows for the task to be sent to sequentially to the selected recipients.
        • For example, there is a process with four tasks. For each task, the same four receivers are selected. If users opt for these task to be sent sequentially, the tasks will be divided as follows.
          • Task A will be sent to the first receiver in the list.
          • Task B will be sent to the second receiver in the list.
          • Task C will be sent to the third receiver in the list.
          • Task D will be sent to the fourth receiver in the list.
        • Essentially, this option acts as way for work to be distributed equally among receivers.
    • Defined Receiver(s): These receivers are not explicitly identified by the user. Instead, they are defined by the system based on certain criteria or conditions.
      • Users can choose one of the following criteria:
        • Current Role: This option allows for the task to be sent to the current role.
        • Starter Role: This option allows for the task to be sent to the starter role.
        • Current User: This option allows for the task to be sent to the current user.
        • Starter User: This option allows for the task to be sent to the starter user.
        • Current Role Department Management: This option allows for the task to be sent to the current department manager.
          • A task can only be assigned to the current department manager if the previous step in the workflow was assigned to a role.
        • Starter Role Department Management: This option allows for the task to be sent to the starter department manager.
      • Depending on the criteria selected, the system will automatically assign the task to the appropriate receiver(s).
      • For general reference:
        • A starter user or role refers to the person or role responsible for initiating a workflow or process.
        • A current user or role refers to the person or role currently working on or interacting with the workflow or process.
    • Dynamic Receiver(s): These receivers are explicitly identified by the user in the web application. From a field in the form, the user can select the receiver to whom they want the task to be sent. The user must select a receiver before they can submit the form.
      • : This button allows users to select the field or attribute in which the receiver(s) will be identified.
        • It will display the Object Browser window. In this window, users can access a list of the associated entity’s attributes.
      • Once an attribute has been selected, it will populate the Field Name box.
      • : This button allows users to remove the field.
    • Department Management of Specific/Dynamic Receiver: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows for the department manager of the receiving unit to be included in the task assignment.