In the Needle tab, users can customize various properties related to the needle of the gauge control.

  1. Needle Name: This field allows users to select the specific needle they want to configure from a dropdown menu.
    • Needles: Needle 1, Needle 2, or Needle 3.
      • Gauge Needles Preview: Web View
  2. Enable: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to enable the display of the selected needle.
  3. Back Color: This is a color picker that allows users to choose the background color of the needle.
    • This color is used as the initial color or the starting point of the gradient that defines the needle’s background.
  4. Back Color 2: This is a color picker that allows users to choose the secondary color of the needle.
    • This color is used as the final color or the ending point of the gradient that defines the needle’s background.
    • Gauge Needle Background Color Preview: Web View
  5. Border Color: This is a color picker that allows users to choose the color of the needle’s border.
  6. Border Width: This is a numeric updown field that allows users to set the width of the needle’s border.
    • Gauge Needle Border Preview: Web View