For those unfamiliar with using the comment field in the DBP web application, the following instructions will guide you through the process:

  1. To add a comment, click on the icon in the top right corner, input your comment(s) in the text field, and then click on the Apply button to save your work.
  2. To edit a comment, click on the icon in the bottom right corner, make changes as desired to the original comment, and then click on the Apply button to save your work.
  3. To delete a comment, click on the icon in the bottom left corner.
    • If selected, users will be alerted of the action with the following confirmation message:
      • Click on either the Submit button to confirm the deletion or the Cancel button to cancel it.
  4. To reply to a comment, click on the icon in the bottom right corner, input your reply, and then click on the Apply button again to save your work.