In the Chart Editor, users can configure the chart properties. This window is divided into two sections: Chart List and Chart & Series Properties.

Chart List

In this section of the window, users can access options for adding and deleting charts.

  1. Add: This button allows users to add a new chart type (or data series).
    • It will display the Chart Gallery window, in which users will find from a variety of pre-configured chart types to choose from.
      • To add a chart type, select it from the window and click on the OK button.
    • Once a chart type is added, it will be listed as a new series under Common Charts.
  2. Delete: This button allows user to delete a selected chart type (or data series).
  3. Move Up / Move Down: These buttons allow users to reorder the charts in the list.
    • To move a chart up or down, select it from the list and click on the or button. This will move the selected chart one position up or down in the list, respectively.

Chart & Series Properties

In this section of the window, users can access two sets of properties:

  1. General Chart Properties

To access the general chart properties, select Common Charts from the list.

  1. Series Properties

To access the data series properties, select a series from the list.