To create a multi-select dropdown control, users need to have a main entity, a mid-entity (table), and either a system or custom entity. The mid-entity should have two foreign-key fields, one connected to the main entity and one connected to the system/custom entity, with a one-to-many relationship.

  1. Main Entity

The main entity is the entity associated with the form where the multi-select dropdown control is being used. It represents the primary data object that the user is working with or collecting data for.

  1. System Entity

A system entity is a pre-existing entity that references system tables such as users, roles, or departments. It allows data to be associated with these pre-existing entities, which are not specific to the main entity and do not require the user to create them.

  1. Custom Entity

A custom entity is an entity that is linked to another form from which data will be pulled. It is used to associate data with another form that is not related to the main entity.

  1. Mid-Entity

A mid-entity (table), by way of its foreign keys, serves as an intermediary between the main entity and the system or custom entity.