This sample script demonstrates the Custom Server Files feature, which allows users to store and retrieve custom files, as well as reference them conveniently using a URL.


The storage type and precise location are configured in the web.config file. Some settings are borrowed from the file attachment storage configuration, including AWS configuration.

<!--*Possible values: DB, LocalFolder, RemoteFolder, AWS*-->
<add key="faStorageFileFolder" value="FileAttachment" />
<add key="faStorageRemoteFolder" value="\\remoteserver\shared\FileAttachments" />
<add key="faAWSBucket" value="itc-dev-bpms-build-repo" />
<add key="faAWSBucketFolder" value="FileAttachment" />
<add key="faAWSRegion" value="USEast2" />
<add key="faAWSAccessKeyId" value="BlaBlaBla" />
<add key="faAWSSecretAccessKey" value="BlaBlaBlaBla" />
<!--* * * Custom Server Files Storage * * *-->
<add key="faCFStorageType" value="AWS" />
<add key="faCFStorageFileFolder" value="CustomFiles" />
<add key="faCFStorageRemoteFolder" value="\\remoteserver\shared\CustomFiles" />
<add key="faCFAWSBucketFolder" value="CustomFiles" />