This section of the manual outlines the key components and entity conditions that are integral to the functionality of the tree control.

A. Key Components

There are several key components involved in the creation and utilization of the tree control.

These components include:

  1. Tree Entity

This entity holds the data that is selected using the tree control. It must meet the specified requirements outlined in the Entity Conditions section.

  1. Tree Form

This form serves as a platform for entering data into the tree entity. It allows users to input relevant information, such as item details and hierarchical relationships, which are stored in the entity for the tree control.

  1. Main Entity

This entity is linked to the form where the tree control is being used or implemented. It represents the primary data object that the user is working with or collecting data for.

  1. Main Form

This form is where the tree control is implemented. It provides the overall interface and context for incorporating the tree functionality.

For the main form, users must create two local attributes in the Form Entity tab.

  • The first local attribute is responsible for binding the tree control to the form. It acts as a container or reference to a list of entities that meet the specified conditions outlined in the Entity Conditions section.
  • The second local attribute is responsible for capturing and storing the currently selected item within the tree control. It acts as a reference to the selected item in the tree entity.

B. Entity Conditions

To qualify as a tree entity, four specific conditions must be met:

  1. Item Title

The entity must have a data attribute that represents the title or label assigned to each item within the tree.

  1. Order

The entity must have a data attribute that determines the positioning or sequence of items within the tree.

  1. Tooltip

The entity must have a data attribute that allows additional contextual information to be associated with each item in the tree.

  1. Reference to Self (ParentID)

The entity must have a reference attribute that points to itself. This self-reference enables connections within the tree entity, allowing items to reference and link to other items within the same tree.