In the Coloring tab, users can configure the color scheme for the map and data bubbles displayed on the map.

  1. Map Color: In this section, users can define the color range for the map.
    • Start Color: This is a color picker that allows users to choose the start or initial color of the map.
      • It contains three tabs: Tab Pages, Web, and System.
        • In the Tab Pages tab, users can select a color by manipulating sliders or input fields for each color channel in the RGBA color picker.
        • In the Web tab, users can select a color from a scrollable list. The list displays a range of specific colors, each with its own name, allowing users to easily choose from pre-defined options.
        • In the System tab, users can select a color from a scrollable list. The list displays a range of specific colors, each with its own name, allowing users to easily choose from pre-defined options.
    • End Color: This is a color picker that allows users to choose the end or final color of the map.
  2. Bubble Color: In this section, users can define the color range for the data bubbles displayed on the map.
    • Start Color: This is a color picker that allows users to choose the start or initial color of the bubbles.
    • End Color: This is a color picker that allows users to choose the end or final color of the bubbles.